    why do I worry about Animals so much !

    when I see the news about Animals hurt by people I get so ANGRY and I have very bad thoughts on what I would do to these people and I dont like the way I feel. Does anyone else feel like me or am I just a oddball!

    +3  Views: 615 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Because you are a compassionate Soul and recognize all of God's creatures and that he created them out of love and so we should love them also.

    Thank you Colleen I am compassionate about animals but my evil thoughts bother me and I feel I shouldnt have these thoughts mel

    Nah, don't worry about the evil thoughts. You are thinking them in defense of God's creatures. Karma will get the evil ones. Your thoughts appease your own emotions. Even if one were to include the bible into this thinking, the bible does say an eye for an eye. You are only wishing the same be done to the bad person as they did to the animal. I personally see nothing wrong with that and do believe God will make that happen to show what it's like to receive harm and suffering. One can only truly learn about an offense by having it visited apon them.

    I think the same things ;)

    Thanks Colleen I needed to hear that and I am glad you mentioned the bible a eye for eye I do feel better that some one out there feels the same as I do I know my Husband is worse than me he acts on his emotions and has got him alot of trouble I do resoect him for his actions but I think I am proberly a bit of a coward though I still do as much as I can do to save the Animals and the World my heart goes out to humans who go all over the world like (peta ect there are be too many to mention) the job they do must be so rewarding I wish I was younger I would certainly would be joining them god be with you mel

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