    how much money can you make for being a teacher?

    0  Views: 590 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    This depends on so much. School district, the state you teach in, the grade you will be teaching, the subject(s) you will be teaching, how many years you have into teaching or if you're newly licensed and may be more.
    here, in teh Detroit area, ( and the suburbs ) ....teachers make very good money and sensational benefits....because they're in a union.
    My gf told me 10 years ago, that she was making $70,000 for teaching spec educ. And that was 10 years ago.....Imagine what she's making now. and that's only for 9 months a year. And they get 2 weeks off at Christmas, one week in Feb ( called winter break), one week off for Easter ( yes, Easter, NOT '' spring break '') and they get 4 days off for Thanksgiving, and 4 days off for Memorial Day. and 4 days off for 4th of July .
    They only have to work 6 hours a day .

    6 hours per day. You're kidding. How about all the marking of the work? Marking papers 'til midnight!
    Not in Australia. They're all poor. A private school pays more.
    It depends on what kind of teacher. Believe me, most don't receive a lot.
    It depends on the subject that you are teaching and the crowd. If you are teaching children in grade school…teachers are so underpaid. If you wrote a few books on the subject and are speaking before a peer group of 50 people for an hour….maybe $5000~25000.00. Advertising can make such a difference.

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