    When do you start feeling like a grown up?

    I have a child in HS and 1 in middle school and I still don't feel like a grown up... Idon't see myself the way I saw adults when I was younger...When do you start feeling like a grown up?

    +3  Views: 765 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago


    12 Answers

    When you have grandchildren it starts to kick

    Do you feel old or grown up?
    I like acting like a kid with my grandkids cause I can send them
    I always seem to be the wet one when there's a water fight.
    i'm 49 & still feel like a kid, exept for the aches & pains, loosing hair,you know, the "ol' man" syndrome.
    Nothing wrong with feeling young...keep that part of you alive as it's part of the essence that makes you , you. The only time I start to feel old is when certain words echo from my mouth I heard my parents say to me. The best example is when I was in my teens I would blast my favorite tunes and in the distance I would hear my dad yell..."turn that crap down".I always thought they were old cronies when they did that. I have to admit some of the hard core metal my sons like drives my soul to the pits of hell. I hear those words echo from years gone past and I realize I have "arrived"...I am the old The old feeling goes away quickly but it's okay to be both...nothing wrong with balance

    I was thinking that yesterday when Dara was playing drums and Stone was playing elec guitare... I was thinking Oh dear lord that is so loud... But I stopped myself from asking them to stop. I dont want to stiffle thier creativity.... I never had that oppertunity as a child. And they were so proud of themselves.

    Lol...thats funny, my boys play the electric guitar and drums as well...they have jam sessions all the time in my garage. For some reason that doesn't bother me at's the acid metal when the singer sounds like satan himself is screaming in agony from their vocal chords that drives me insane.It's good to encourage their creativity in any art form, good on you for recognizing sound like an awesome mom!
    when you get the bills in life to prove it

    I have 2 morgages and 2 paid off cars.. Loads of utiliyies... LOL yhe only time Ifeel like a grown up is when I am writing the checks
    Still crazy after all these years. Good song. But it also defines who I am inside.
    I know what you mean, neither am I. I think about that often. My guess is we'd never feel that way.
    Actually, you never feel grown-up. You just are. You are still the same person, but you have maturity and experience on your side.

    ok FINE.. You are ruining my life!!!! LOL

    Hahahahaha! @ Jenn....this is why I luv ya, lol (((hugs)))
    Be the best person you can, be the best mother you can and be the best friend you can and then you can say you are a mature person. I have read numerous remarks by you on this site and it surprises me that you ask this question. I have always seen you as "grown up" Don`t put yourself down stand tall and be you.

    I am not saying I am not mature... I just dont feel as old as my mom when I was a kid. i still like to run around with water guns and dance while I clean....

    LOLOLOL water guns and dancing while cleaning...lololol.. I would pay good $$ to see that.

    Jenn I am 79 and I can remember when anyone of 30 was ancient but when I reached 30 I found that was not the case. Only a few months ago when I visited my oldest daughter (56) in Sydney we were in a shopping centre and as a joke we held hands and skipped for about 10ft. My son-in-law who was with us cracked up and pretended not to know us.. But guess what a lot of shoppers had a smile on their faces, especialy when we hugged at the end of our skip. Live long, laugh lots and cry little.
    Sometime between when Tinkerbell leaves, and you find out there are people just like the one's on soap operas.

    Grow up? For me it happened after age 50.
    i hope i never stop feeling like a kid. I love it

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