    Why do some of my questions remain unanswered?

    -1  Views: 548 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

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    8 Answers

    * Because the question was not understandable
    * Because no one knows the answer
    * Because in the past you have had questions answered and do not show appreciation by voting on the answer
    * Because some people do not want to do work for what they think might be a school project
    Only 2 of your 33 questions have gone unanswered.

    1. What is the website(s) that use your computer's processing power while on screensaver to find cancer cures or other massive problems.

    I don't know but google might tell you

    2.Is there a website you can group write a novel with three/four other persons over the internet?

    I would have said get a blog for this one.
    What were the questions?
    Maybe no one can answer them.
    Maybe you ask too many WBMG

    What's WBMG ole hipster ? :)
    If you don't want an honest answer then don't post the question! My response was not meant as a personal attack on any of your questions in particular. I don't even know what questions you've previously asked. I was speaking in general.
    Maybe it wasn't an interesting question.
    Wow Ninnet !! ..... right on the money, especially the las one.I love it !

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