    does this site have a new moderator yet?

    just wondering

    +1  Views: 777 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Do we get paid?
    I'm taking over Colleens job! :) I just don't know where the delete button is located.. And the ban button, I really want to have that delete button though.. LOL...
    I asked adim the same question and their response is:

    There are currently no moderators, nor do they plan on adding any in the near future.

    leeroy, I nominate you for the position :-)

    Thank you for your vote of confidence, I'm not always here like many of the people who are retired or on disability. People who work at home may be much better candidates, I think they should have a few moderators, the job is way to big for just one person.

    You are a sweetie, thanks again Pamela.
    Sorry, from some of your answers to the less desired questions, it appeared you were moderating. I agree with the top Karma earners having delete options, which of course you are one of them.

    They do expect some of us to keep them notified of who is using the site inappropriately, so it helps keep the site clean. No problem.

    I meant this as a comment to Randy, but I think you would do a good job too. :)
    I think colleen still is just under cover now.
    I thought Randy Palmer took responsibility?

    Headless Man

    LOL I don't want that responsibility, but I think if they gave the top 5 karma earners a delete button we could get rid of a lot of duplicate post and non question post.

    Randy, I put this as an answer instead of a response to your comment.
    "Sorry, from some of your answers to the less desired questions, it appeared you were moderating. I agree with the top Karma earners having delete options, which of course you are one of them."
    Did it have an old one?
    I was wondering the same! I wonder if we will know when there is or if they will keep quiet for a while? Or maybe Colleen will come back!

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