    We will all die, then what?

    Are you afraid of dying at all? Why or why not- more importantly why. Everyone must be slightky afraid to die, tell us your fears. Please.

    +3  Views: 3119 Answers: 32 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: diewhy
    Adolfo Rodriguez

    Actually death alone is not my greatest fear but;pain,drowning,bleeding,utter helplessness,or even shock to name a few ways of passing on are pretty much at the top of my list.


    What's your fear, or if you don't have any fear?


    The best definition I have heard so far was.


    The living are conscious that they will die, but the dead are conscious of nothing at all. Ecc 9

    In most cases the body goes into a state of shock very quickly.
    If you are aware that you are dying it is a good time to pray.


    yeah true, there are some horrible ways that someone can die through, by the way are you from germany?


    t.u. Raider most people do have a fear of death and taxes.

    32 Answers (31-32 Displayed)

    death is not a choice, everyone dies one day, it's just the way humans are, if you believe in god, then your view would be different because god tells you that 'we werent born to die but to live forever, meaning death is just a gateway to eternity, depending on your sins you'll either end up in heaven or hell' so alot of people in this world view death through a different perception, depending on what that person believes. if you have no religion and no belief then death would be a huge thing in your life something you want to avoid because you think this is the only time your alive and you'd do anything to live more and take full advantage of it. thus people are afraid of death. so it all depends, but to me death is not a huge thing in my life, i'll accept it anytime, i'm certainly not afraid because of the fact that i know millions of humans and creatures go through it every second in the world, so i'm just a small part of it. i have nothing important to lose materialistically, nothing to worry about if i'm dead, it's just a fact you have to sort out yourself and yourself only and decide what you believe :)


    sometimes we can lure ourself into a false sense of security by holding on to a belief thats what the negative forces in this world rely on.god is invented to give us hope


    and I am very happy for them doublehelix


    to you god may be an imaginary thing in the mind, to others god is real and they'd die for it.


    hehe great :D means your happy for me too, i'm a follower of a religion but not a christianity :D

    you are right when you die you sleep untill Jesus comes back to take us to our new life. if you look Jesus said a few times that they are not dead just sleeping. one thing i dont understand is why preachers dont say that. they say when you die you go str8 to heven or hell thats not what the Bible says at all. As for myself I am a minister and i never tell anyone that when they die they go str8 to heaven or hell. To be honest with all of you I dont tell anyone they are going to hell thats not my job cuz i have no clue who is going there and wwho isnt


    I believe the preachers say except ye repent.

    Headless Man

    I don't believe you go str8 anywhere. It will be as sleep it can be hundreds of years or a few seconds and all will wake at the same moment. when GOD says.


    If you are a minister and you do not know what the bible teaches you are in trouble. Jesus said if a blind man leads a blind man surly they will both fall into the pit!

    Jesus also said 'The meek ones will inherit the earth.' Jesus & Paul talks about the righteous and the unrighteous. These are both earthly resurrections. The wicked stay in their tombs. But it is the Bride of Christ that are give spirit bodies to become joint heirs and rulers of the new heavenly Government.


    apologies for my bad spelling

    papa peg

    A Preacher shouldn't tell people where there going.If their on their death bed.They might accept JESUS.And if the preacher isn't there and they die he will think they are going too hell.

    papa peg

    I believe in the RAPTURE

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