10 Answers
Eye four won well tri two do batter.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Thanks for the TU, PL. Nice story about your mum. You and I were raised in a different age where family was everything, no TV, the old outhouses, wood stoves, etc. "sigh". And, I do wonder why people today have so much trouble spelling.
Yes it is cause we are lazy, I am not uneduccated just not a real great typer. Im not taking an eglish test and the reason for typing this is communication, you know what I am saying and that is the whole purpose of what I write.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I agree,bvarga,people come here for the interaction of others,this is not a scholarly website for Harvard University,it's were a lot of us come for down time,people should stop criticizing the next man and down talking others,just because your grammar isn't up to someones par doesn't mean you are stupid,some people do not type well.The nerve of some snobby tea drinking prudes.Seriously??Chill and relax,and don't sweat the small stuff.
The purpose of education, among other things, is so we can communicate more effectively so what is the good of not using what we have learned. I appreciate your reference to typing ,I myself, have found the "Hunter System" to be the best. I find one letter and hunt for the next. Pick and peck is also a good system. I always check my comments for errors before posting but, being human the odd boo boo slips through. I do thank you for your input and look forward to seeing your future comments on many subjects in clear wording. Thanks again and Cheers.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

Good for you PL!!! I say it all counts..spelling, punctuation, grammar, capital letters, all of it. That IS what communication is all about.
Who cares how people type..we are not writing to the Queen.There are more important things here to observe other than to be analyzing and criticize.
Angel eyes
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I try to assist all and if they need to check their levels of communication skills then I also believe that is important.
A large number of problems today are caused by poor communication and lack of pride and or interest in ones self.
Whilst I do not agree with your comment I do agree with your right to state it, so thanks for the imput.
I assume you are a younger person and as my dear old mum said "You can`t put an old head on young shoulders" So when I say a persons` perspecive changes over the years I mean it in a kindly manner.
A large number of problems today are caused by poor communication and lack of pride and or interest in ones self.
Whilst I do not agree with your comment I do agree with your right to state it, so thanks for the imput.
I assume you are a younger person and as my dear old mum said "You can`t put an old head on young shoulders" So when I say a persons` perspecive changes over the years I mean it in a kindly manner.
Please check your spelling!
1.Input,has a n instead of a m
2.Perspective,has a t in it after the c
Oops... it can happen to the best of us.
1.Input,has a n instead of a m
2.Perspective,has a t in it after the c
Oops... it can happen to the best of us.
The ones who do it either will not answer or will copy ee cummings just to annoy you
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Thanks for the input ninnet. I only had eight years of "normal" schooling and it annoys me to see people who I feel sure had a lot more opportunities show so little regard for us or themselves.
I don't like all the internet shorthand and no capitalizing but, I'm getting up there in years and the days of self pride are no longer of importance......
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

I think self pride should forever be important. Your answers are always good ones so you ought to be proud...and stay proud!
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She raised six children all of whom had a warm loving enviroment. AH for the good old days.