    Guilt Mechanics

    Guilt is the fact of being responsible for an offense or doing wrong.

    0  Views: 541 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    The process of doing something and then feeling guilty about it is not reliable because your self judgment is to look back at what you did and seeing it as wrong based on after effects. But at the time, you did the best that you could. So your sense of guilt is as a result of the effects that you could not see before your original actions. Since you did the best that you could at the time there is no reason to feel guilty. Looking back at an action you did is not a reliable way to judge your actions.
    "Really screwed that one up, I am so sorry will you please forgive me."
    !. did it in the past.
    2.The effects seem permanent
    3.Regretting the action
    4.seeking refuge from associated feelings
    5.Refuge granted "Of course I forgive you darling"
    6. feelings of guilt grows
    7.They didn't really forgive me
    8.return to 1. via repeat offense.
    Guilt is the driving force that leads to repeating the same action over and over seeking a different result from the same behavior.

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