Yes - Yes -- Yes Iam a woman - I dont like a man beating on me.
17 Answers
YES ... and I am a chick!!! I almost ran the bastard down with my car. My father in law said I am a terrible mother because Ididnt see the danger I was putting my kids in... I told him I was once that girl... And wish someone stood up for me.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

You just see red at the time, and dont think about the consequences of your actions.I know how you felt.
I knew exactly what I was doing.. My kids were perfectly safe... I didnt see a gun and stayed in my car. I am a mom first... But I will be danmed if I am going to let someone hurt someone who can not defend themself. He is lucky it was not a child I would have run his ass down.
without doubt regardless of size, cause any man that beats up on a women cant be a real man. if i were totally overwheled then i would at least fight till she got away or i couldn' t fight no more and i would hope that any one would do the same for me or my wife. win or lose you still fought with a clean conscience
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
what a good question Spaceghost I am a woman I would still jump in and I have done protecting a passer by anyway it makes me sick even watching on a movie and i Know it is not real its still up setting
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Thanks Mel, if I were a lady and was being attacked, I'd want you in my corner, You have a good heart. Appreciate your comment.
Call the police on domestic disputes. I usually do stupid things like ask them direct questions after calling the police. To the attacker I ask direct questions that are intended to distract them and force them to think. Being out of control they are not thinking about what they are doing. Thought provoking questions will often stop a dispute." Is that your car in in the driveway that's on fire?" It doesn't have to be true. Other misleading questions can follow in rapid succession to keep their anger off balance. Commands are also effective...Get Out of the house! There's a gas leak and it's going to explode! My Dad ran out the back door on hearing that and I locked the door behind him. I was ten at the time.
ole hipster
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Ah-h-h I can tell you grew up in a household with domestic abuse as did I and unfortunately I carried on this legacy by allowing myself to be abused by certian exes in my's a friggin' vicious cycle...I have been in spouse abuse shelters with my kids and also ended up working in one as a counselor, administrative secretary and house mother for years and yet to almost this day...still pick that wrong type of man who cannot keep his hands to himself or has every excuse in the book to blame it on the other...sorry..I do tend to go on about this but it's a bad, bad state of affairs and affairs of the heart and mind and psyche!
You are right-on. Please answer questions rather than adding comments so I can give you a TU. Reads like we’ve been to the same schools.
I'm not a fellow, but I'd lay into him with my handbag. You can even use a credit card or a similar card as a weapon. The edges are sharp. Nice and sharp...
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I'm little, but tough, I hope. My grandma used to sleep with an axe beside the bed, she was in her eighties. One night, she heard the bedroom window open and a leg came through the window. Gran, grabbed the axe and held it high. She said, "Put the other leg in and you'll lose both of them." The guy pulled his leg out quick smart and took off. She shut the window and went to sleep. I'm also armed, not with a gun, and don't live alone. There are so many home invasions these days. I read about using a credit card or anything similar on Alex Jones's website. Very useful
Grandma had the right idea with that axe. I sleep with guns beside my bed, and WILL use them, so will my wife, she's a VERY good shooter also.
I gave everyone a Thumbs Up so far, they were all EXCELLENT answers. Thanks to all of you, you're all GOOD people. I had an aunt to be killed by a boyfriend when I was a small child, he shot her just over a arguement, it's an experience I'll never forget.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Sorry Space... I have no shame and obviously no sence... I would stand in the line of fire for anyone in trouble... Miss you!
Crazed person with a gun...Jenn, with it differently. I know you mean well but taking a bullet is way down on my list of options. Being raddled and upset, in an unreal state between anger and fear with a gun in their hand does not make a situation where reasonable and smart choices are going to be made by the one with wild eyes. Someone needs to take charge of the situation...someone needs to be an adult and that is you. Blocking a shot won't help. What is needed is the restoration of peace and stability to the space. Think about that for a while before you answer.
of course.!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Good answer potra57,T.U. for that. You're a good person but you got to be careful in those situations. A friend of mine went to the rescue of this lady being beaten and it was a domestic dispute, the guy pulled a gun on my friend. My friend talked to him and calmed him down, but it could have been real ugly.
I would call 911 first because with my health all I could do is be a substitute for his anger.
As I started to bleed I would say you're going to get aids, that might scare him
I don't have aids, but real thin skin that will bleed with just a bump.
As I started to bleed I would say you're going to get aids, that might scare him
I don't have aids, but real thin skin that will bleed with just a bump.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Thanks Randy, I know what you are saying, it's a scary situation when getting involved with a man beating on a woman. Thanks friend for the info.
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