    what is sleep apnea

    0  Views: 364 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    that is when you stop breathing in your sleep, and the carbon dioxide builds up so much in your blood, that your brain will blow an emergency whistle to your respiritory system to start breathing again. Then , everybody's happy for awhile. .......then it starts up again. People that have that, get woke up about 15X a night, but getting startled into breathing again. It happeds less if they don't sleep on their back. For some people, when they sleep on their back,their uvula covers the opening to their trachea .....Then they get startled awake .
    in layman's language, it is mostly chronic snorers who suffer with this problem,if you have a partner i n bed with you they will punch or boot you in the back,because you have scared them when you have stopped breathing, that will certainly get you breathing again. your sleeping partner is the one who will tell you if you have SLEEP APNEA,or go to a sleeping disorder clinic for diagnosis. the only sure cure is a type of breathing apparatus which you would use each night for the rest of your life! i dont use an apparatus,i rely on my partner. i have sleep apnea.
    a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing, during sleep

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