
    Why is it people push elevator buttons more than once Does it make them arrive faster?

    +1  Views: 512 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    They're just impatient. Speaking of elevators, here are some things that really annoy me. Why do some people get on them and push the buttons for every floor? Why do people, while waiting for elevators, press the up and down buttons when they want to go in one direction? This wastes the time of people riding on them because the door will open and they won't get on. Why do people ask if the elevator in my building is going up or down when a recorded voice clearly tells them before they get on? Why do some people stand right in front of elevator, train, or other doors when other people are trying to exit?
    ed shank

    They are not city slickers. There usually from "Shitsmear, Pennsylvania" and have only seen elevators in movies. I can totally relate to what you've said.
    Ms Sinclair

    Unfortunately, this can't just be blamed on people from out of town. Some of them live in my building. They have no excuse. They're just stupid.
    Good question. Same reason that my wife cranks up the thermostat to 100 degrees in the wintertime whenever she wants it to go from 68 to 70 in a hurry. Naturally, I only notice it once I'm stripped down to my "fruit of the looms." By then, it's 75 and I'm pissed !
    Thumbs need exercise too...
    I think elevators cause people to go braindead.
    It is the same concept of people pushing the button at intersections 4 the walk sign. It is called being impatient!

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