    Friday 13th... Bad Luck Or Superstition?

    Wishing everyone a Good Friday :-)

    +6  Views: 1035 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    Neither, my birthday is on the 13th and it was a lucky day for me!!!
    13 of the most common superstitions:

    - Beginner's luck

    - Find a penny, pick it up

    - Don't walk under that ladder

    - Black cats crossing your path

    - A rabbit's foot will bring you luck

    - Bad luck comes in threes

    - Careful with that mirror

    - 666

    - Knock on wood

    - Make a wish on a wishbone

    - Cross your fingers

    - No umbrellas inside

    - Friday the 13th

    ed shank

    I agree. Bad luck does come in threes.

    if you see a magpie 1 magpie is for sorrow 2 is for joy and 3 is for girl and 4 is for boy 5 is for story never to be told lol
    neither.. good luck for the movie producers though

    Is there a new "Friday the 13th" remake?
    HA!! I do get paranoid whan a black cat passes in front of me.. Gives me the 'jeebies'.

    Do you turn around 3 times for good luck :-)

    No... I just cross the past and worry all day..

    no pun intended..just joking, Peace!!!

    Why would I think otherwise???
    It is just another day in Paridise.... I toss salt over my shoulder out of habit.. But i dont think it will bring me luck or keep demons away... It is just habit. I make my own luck.

    Friday, 13th is GOOD Friday.  So it must be a good day.

    Some old superstitions carry through.. I am a bit superstitious myself but I usually make light of it.. I will not kill a spider in my home, I will pick it up and take it outside and set it free. It's a big joke around here and I do it now for the humor in it but at one time, this was a serious concern with Sicilian people, a spider in the home was considered as good luck. Probably because everyone in Sicily had spiders.. LOL..

    There is a deep rooted seed that many people have as left there from olden times.. Many hotels and business towers do not have a 13th floor. They will skip it and go from 12 to 14.. There's many of these oddities around us that are based on superstitions.

    LA MBOC 200 N. Spring Street, 13th Floor Los Angeles,CA

    Bad Luck  comes in Threes    was married 3 times    LMAO

    Superstition, but love the scary movies!

    The greatest man in the world (my father) was born on Fri. the 13th.  To me, it's just an ordinary day unless it's in July. THEN it is special!

    I think its a superstition

    i was born on fri the 13th at 1300 hours so good luck for me lol

    It is superstition, just like the # 666 means the devil when it refers to the Roman Emperor Nero.
    Never had any bad luck on Friday the 13th.....

    hi my berth day is on friday 13th and i got a good berthday prisent

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