

    +1  Views: 805 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    Did you mean to put "dumb" and not dume? Who's the dumb one? Apparently the one who can not spell.
    Elvis has left the building...
    Still dead

    are you sure?

    was last seen at a 7/11 in utah..

    What is it that you want to know about Elvis?
    Alive and well living on the moon the National Enquirer reported, It was last reported that Him and Michael Jackson are forming a tour of the solar system with mars first on their agenda. I don't plan on attending..
    Last seen at Trump Tower
    of all the rock singers who have aged with the times he is the only one that has kept his sence of grace.Flamboyant and flashy, sexy and self-mocking,he works with the instincts of a genious to give poetry to the basic rock performance.Thus he spirals around,his hand sweepingthrough the spotlight,and falls down to one knee,his head back,a fist clenched,and is frozen for an instant in a thin blade of silver. And he rises up slowly,curving snaklike,hypnotic,while the violins soar to new hieghts of cliche,which surrender before him.Then the drums thunder out,a guitar whips the silence,and he is suddenly moving,his groin swinging,head jerking,a diamond-studded fist swathing through the hot air like a whip that will bring the band home,cracking on towards the climax. There is nothing remotely real about this performer;he has lived with us too long.Now he is a legend who will charge the adrenalin merely by the fact that he is "there".

    :)... Elvis is King. The King of Rock and Roll.

    yes.....i agree

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