    Do you think the teachers know who the popular kids are in the school?

    +3  Views: 1439 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    I reckon they would know,and i also think they have their favourites.


    Yes - unless they are idiots themselves
    I would think so. I'm not popular....

    You can become popular here if you work hard.

    Your more popular than you think I can assure you

    sure their the one that are always in detension!

    the more observant one's do.  for some teachers a class can be overwhelming, so their focus may be on just teaching and keeping order.

    My teachers remembered the diligent students and the naughty students.  They remembered me as I was among the naughty ones.

    Any Good Teacher Would Know everything who is in and who is not the flavour of the month

    They would have to be deaf,dumb,blind & severely mentally challenged if they didn't.

    Yes and around here they are also the ones who make the team and get special attentoin in class... Everyone knows everyone and the teachers suck up to the kids with the parents who have money or status.

    When I went to School they only taught the 1st and second rows in the class and you were told where to sit I may as well have been invisible and Sadiesays is right a two tier system for the ones good at sports the teachers definately had their favourites

    I live in a very small town . the popular kids are the teachers kids and the coaches kids. As it is, it will always be.

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