    Why do intelligent people take drugs?

    0  Views: 1038 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    remember that some people live in intractible chronic pain. they may/or may not need help with the pain. wise doctors prescribe opiods for these people because it is hard on the body emotionally and physically to be in continual pain.
    i've never known anyone who takes heroin ... i wonder ... "really intelligent people are often more likely to do stupid things." said leeroy. (that's kinda funny ... and true.)
    Given their extremely recent origin and thus evolutionary novelty, the Hypothesis would predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to consume all types of psychoactive drugs than less intelligent individuals. Once again, as with alcohol consumption, the fact that the consumption of psychoactive drugs has largely negative health consequences and few (if any) benefits of any kind is immaterial to the Hypothesis. It does not predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to engage in healthy and beneficial behavior, only that they are more likely to engage in evolutionarily novel behavior. As I point out in an earlier post, more intelligent people are often more likely to do stupid things.

    This is a really interesting article, I'll leave you the website if you want to read up on it.
    same reasons stupid people take drugs...for effect
    What kind of drugs? Illegal? If so maybe their not that bright after all.
    I must be either the dumbest or most frightened person on the planet if the question is referring to the "funny" stuff. I would be s..t scared to even try this stuff, so yes I am frightened and by inferrence not intelligent. I am not however a coward many years as a soldier cured me of that one, was I ever frightened? You have no idea what frightened means until. No I wont go there.
    They cheat more too....Have I cheated? No......Am I not intelligent enough????...<Sigh>....
    To forget what they learned.....

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