    I feel much better today after hearing of Ben Laden. How about you.

    He, who had no respect for humanity had to go.

    +1  Views: 2797 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    Good question, thumbs up on it, hope you get a chance to read my answer down there.

    11 Answers

    I feel great closure for the families effected by this Mass terrorist.

    Like losing a baby toe you can still walk without it. So time to clip the toenails of Alqueda off our feet and walk strong without
    Still can't get this grin off my face.
    I think the world is a little better of a place without that Mass Murderer breathing air. I didn't hate him, and I was comfortable with the fact that I knew he was having to live his life in fear, doing everything very low key, even going to the store. He was always looking over his shoulders, and suspicious of everyone.

    It's like when you drive your car with an unpaid ticket, or expired insurance, you are constantly looking over your shoulders, it causes people a lot of stress. That's how he was living his life constantly,

    Even the design of his house had to be special, everything he did, was out of paranoid thought, it must have been a miserable existence, his last ten years. So once they shot him, I wasn't jumping for joy, but I was happy for all of the relatives who lost loved ones in 9-11. Not to mention it gave the country a nice shot in the arm of patriotism.

    Glad he's gone but think a lot about all that will die in the future because of the followers of his brand of hatred for us I fear that in the years coming many people are going to die
    i was "shot" to hear about it i feel sorry for the poor fish as a matter of fact and me "ilove fish eat fish four days a week i will have gut them well might find an eye ball inside (iwill end up singing great balls of fire)Jerry lee song.
    I'm ok with it...
    If you truly believe he is dead then I am glad but I for one do not believe it.
    Vetty Appy Ahbowt Et :)
    Yea #1 is gone. Now let's get #2,#3, etc.
    The only problem now is the canned fish may contain lead.
    Cant say I have wept any tears, nor have I rejoiced at his demise.

    How safe are we from his followers who may want revenge?

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