    "Touching" story. Do you still write love letters? 

    +3  Views: 790 Answers: 6 Posted: 7 years ago
    Tags: love letters

    6 Answers, not my style 

    ....great story

    I do!


    My mailman is goofing off. I guess that's why I didn't get it yet!

    I don't have your address

    I write the best of love letters and save them because a) I've never had an appreciative receiver and b) they're a gas to read some years later.....

    If I write a love letter, is there some kind of guarantee that I'll get one back? lf the answer is 'yes', then I'll start one today.     lol


    Sorry guys,never did never will,just not my cup of tea..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Despite your "prehistoric name" we all know that you're a romantic at-heart. You just use the internet instead!
    terryfossil 1

    So you think you got me pegged Clonge,maybe my wife does not know me as well as you do..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I have a box of love letters and sweet things.  Hand written notes is actually how my husband and I met.  Hand written word is an art form. 

    My first note to my husband was written on bright orange paper... I doodled and asked him a massive amount of questions about his Mustang.  I included the pen.  I always said that if Ford came up with a Mustang based upon the '67 Fastback that I was going to buy one.  Every time I saw the car that was in my time and space based upon my favorite car... I would say out loud, "There's my car." because Ford had actually done that.  Ford had made my car.

    One day I came out of my condo and a little sweet black Ford Mustang drove past into the underground parking. I bent down as it passed.  I said out loud as I always did, "There's my car." I then paused and internally said, "OH. ... There's my man."

    It took every ounce of guts that I could possibly possess because I actually am extremely shy but, I met him.  My wonderful husband.  We wrote back and forth for three months with notes on vehicles in the underground of our condominium complex.  I babbled away on our first date.  My husband just wanted to know me and we had a baby at 48 years old.  Our son is simply the sweetest person that anyone can meet.  He is love over the moon. 

    Writing love letters is amazing.  I recommend it to everyone. 



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