    Can you dance?

    I cannot. I think this is why my marriage didn't work out. I try to lead, can't keep a beat, I'm all thumbs. I dance as well as I sing....

    +4  Views: 937 Answers: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

    7 Answers

    .... I danced while at college

    Only dance steps i know are the star pattern boxing steps,,and it has been a heck of a long time ago since i done that,with the metal i have in my body now.i would probably fall over..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    ....WD-40 will help
    terryfossil 1

    Titanium and ceramics Benny,no problem with rust..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    you bet. Me and my better half went to a conference last September in las vegas. After we went to hear a band and was dancing.  A lady on the floor had some great steps and dance. She looked about 50 years old. I talked to her later and told her we liked her dancing.  She told us she was 84 and went dancing at a club at least once a week. the lady was a beauty and unbelievable. She had previously been a singer in hotels and clubs all around the world.  She motivated me. So now I dance every day at least 10 to 30 minutes. Dr. Oz also said we should all try to dance 20 minutes a day. It doesn't matter if you can really dance or not.

    I sure can but only for short spirts....I go all out for as long as I can.    :)


    Benthere you have more moves than a bucket of worms

    My FACE looks like a bucket of worms because I have to work so hard at "my moves"! :)
    Benthere Ducky dance, dance the night away



    I don't know one would call it that....

    Yes but, not with my husband if I look at him.  He say's he has rhythm in his head it just never gets down to his toes.  Sooooo.... when we dance at functions I pretty much do my own thing and he thinks it is charming.  I think he is charming... I just can't look at him when a great song arrives.  He is a very good date in spite of this.  :D

    Not really. Being self-conscious has a lot to do with "going it solo". With a partner, cheek to cheek, I can get by.

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