    I just read a New York Times article which stated that only 1 in 35 Americans knows a Moslem.

    CORRECTION: 35%. Do you know any?

    +4  Views: 883 Answers: 9 Posted: 7 years ago

    What date was the article published?

    9 Answers

    That depends.. we use to stay at a motel once a year and kind of got to know  the people that ran it. At least they would recognize us, and we would exchange small talk. Does that count? Yes they were Muslim.


    most motel owners in N. Michigan are Asian Indian. Yes, I know that's not muslim, but just saying.


    I guess I cover the 62 that don't know any. There are a lotta lot among us but how would you know?  It's not like they wear a sign or all covering their hair. Muslims look the same as anybody . If you didn't know they were Muslim I would guess their personal religion is nobody else's business . I know because I'm nosey and interested . ...


    many mulims here in the Datroit area wear their national attire. The men wear turbans and the women wear a scarf over the head that covers their forehead a little. And the women wear very loose, baggy, silky type pants or a long skirt. My cats' vet always wear his turban.

    If they wear turbans they are Sikh mcm, not Muslim.

    I'm not American (Obviously) but I do know quite a few.I wouldn't exactly call them friends but I do see them quite frequently.We have a mosque about 2 miles from our house.They tend to keep to themselves mostly.Here's the funny bit.Whenever I have dealt with any of them I get the distinct impression that they would rather not trust me.


    Funny...All along I thought you were Tommy Hilfiger!

    I am also not American and yes I do know Muslims.  Three from Kenya and one from Uganda.    


    ....the whole world needs your humor, Fish-Ola.

    Knew one at work,but he did not really believe in it,,all the rest i read about,and they do not do nice things,as Tommy said they do not mix that well..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    If I had a nickel for everytime I've talked to a muslim or worked with them or had them for a doctor or dentist, I'd be rich. I had a muslim g. friend, too, who was from Malaysia. Most Americans don't realize that there are many people who do not live in the middle east who are muslim.

    Yes I do know, about 35. Most are black and converted when sent to prison. A few weak a$$ white boys seeking protection, and a couple middle eastern in the group as well. These are true scumbags. They seem to think they have more rights than anybody else. Most don't follow true muslim beliefs , especially during ramadan. That's why they are scorned by the true muslim law abiding citizens. Its sad, but I don't know true any muslim law abiding citizens. I would welcome it.


    zorro, most of the muslims around here--the burbs of Detroit, have money and are professionals.They're actually from the middle east or Asia. They had money before they came over here.

    I wonder if they want sharia law.

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