    Hillary is going to win.....

    God d*** you Americans, the most powerful nation in the WORLD, but your voting system is CRAP! I don't like the options, any opinions?

    +6  Views: 1154 Answers: 10 Posted: 8 years ago

    I voted for Independence, I also voted for the OUT campaign, won one, lost one.
    country bumpkin

    Watch the language, ROMOS.

    Dang? Ding? Doot it oot?

    The voting system here is way out of date! The electoral stuff does not reflect the population vote correctly!

    Ha, quite funny.

    You didn't have time to listen to the entire thing. I just posted... it gets better. The Donald is anointed. Who knew? ... And, moreover he is going to save the entire Universe starting with the center of the Universe, The United States of Trumpica.

    @ clu. I apologize. Your current president is correct. Your politics make absolutely no sense to the rest of the world right now.
    To almost quote the band Green Day, "Wake me up when December comes."

    Just been watching him on our nightly news, that clown will never win, shame about the alternative.

    Yesterday, when I checked he was only six points behind. This thing is painful to watch. I can't believe either party didn't have one other person who was actually qualified, (somewhat) to run.
    D*** cable television already. Put me out of my misery.

    Let's face it, Ronald Regan was never supposed to win and he did. Thankfully he had three things going for him, humility, a great sense of humour and a very smart wife.
    terryfossil 1

    What say you now good buddy,but do not worry all the polls got it wrong too..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Aaach, Ichh, whatever, dgas!
    terryfossil 1

    AAHHH,now you get rubbery lips old mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Mother Of All Lips!!

    10 Answers

    In my opinion, Hillary and Donald are the worst two presidential nominated candidates in my lifetime. It's a crying shame that the USA has been left with only these two as choices to become the next president.

    I do think Hillary will win.


    Sadly, I agree. Trump is blistering and outspoken. Clinton is, as we have seen recently, a cheater who colluded to steal her party's nomination from a colleague. She hired the disgraced DNC chair to her campaign team. She flaunted illegals on the DNC stage. She used the grieving mothers of men killed by law enforcement, neglecting to mention not one officer was charged with wrongdoing.
    Well, I'm a broken record here.
    Clinton has been distasteful to me for over 20 years. I would like her to go home to NY and learn to crochet.
    country bumpkin

    Hillary can crochet her own handcuffs. :)

    You saw my photo!

    When the DNC featured illegal immigrants and weeping, angry mothers of men killed by law enforcement exonerated of wrong doing, and the DNC Chairman gets booed out of the building for collusion, and people fall asleep when the nominee scratches the blackboard with promises of more socialism, communism, and Marxism, insisting a fetus has no human rights until birth and should be aborted up to "crowning", and the sitting president has said she was incompetent (while then assigning her to Sec. Of State to prove the point)....(and that's just the tip of the ice berg)

    .......ya gotta wonder what the h*** is wrong with anyone who votes for her for ANY reason. 

    As for our voting system, it needs a good makeover. California has 270 electoral votes, which should not go 100% to a candidate who gets only 60% of the popular vote. You follow my logic, ROMOS? 



    This is the exact reason we never became a republic back in the 90s when we had the referendum.The American system just didn't suit the majority of voters.Now I am no expert on how it all works but I can refer you to James A.Michener's "The Presidential Lottery".He explained it all much better than I ever could.


    PS. (Hey Mate? Wot's it like living with a moderator?) hahahaha!
    terryfossil 1

    They are certainly showing us we made the right decision to vote it down Tom,,however there are still some republican diehards that want to resurrect the idea,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @Tom, we have separate laptops, thankfully, she does her thing, and I do mine.

    Terry I'm a diehard republican but I agree with Clem Jones.The U.S. system is not for us.

    Roy. I'm just yanking your chain mate.

    @Tommy...Do you really think that ROMOS will admit that "his moderator" keeps him in line? :)

    Of course not. It must be tough tho.I can remember when both of us were sent to the sin bin by "Another" Mod.

    Ahhhh....sweet memories. lol

    Country Bumpkin for president!


    That is not an opinion,
    country bumpkin

    Thanks for the vote of confidence,Clonge. LOL

    She could do as well as the other 2 clowns that's for sure.

    In my opinion we already know what's gonna happen if Hillary gets in.. But we really don't know what's going to happen if Trump gets in. If he puts a good cabinet together gets along with Congress or straightens those idiots out, does half the things he says.. I've watched liberals curse him conservatives drill him, it's sad but I would rather take a chance with Trump than Hillary any day. But that's just my opinion.

    terryfossil 1

    You got your wish old mate..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    As David says I'm voting for the one that irritates me least...... and keep in mind that we voted her in in the first place 

    We will all know soon! As much hate as these two generate, I will just be glad to know if I should run or hide!



    terryfossil 1

    How soon is soon Clu..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    terryfossil 1

    @Roy,it is funny,it is not my country,but i truly cannot wait for it to be soon as someone is in the sooner they can get on with it or stuff it..BTW,November is a good month for me..15th,left eye cataract,,both eyes then done..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I agree with JDB. We know what Hillary will be like. Some prominent politicians whom I like (such as former mayor  Rudy Giuliani) have known Trump for years and have high praise for him. He has also been endorsed by my choice for president (Mike Huckabee), so that's where my vote will go. NEVER another Clinton in our White House!


    But I think there will be another Clinton in the White House.

    It appears Herbert Hoover was the last business president you guys had,and he was not the worst one you had,,and he was not a politician,but a business man not unlike Trump,2 similar people from 2 different times,,sometimes you gotta go backwards to go forward..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Many blamed Herbert Hoover for the Great Depression, which I don't believe.
    terryfossil 1

    Scroll down on my link to The i read it it was not fully Hoover fault..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I don't think it was Hoover at all, Terry, and look how FDR created all kinds of government sponsored help programs to get the economy and people working. Like crutches to help an injured person walk, only we never took away the crutches, simply made more of them. Now, nobody thinks he can walk without them and lots of people live in government sponsored wheel chairs. Nation of invalids and "somebody" wants to be president so she can shoot the legs of anyone still walking on his own two feet.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Bob,bit of truth to what you say..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

     If you support the actions of black lives matter , black panthers, al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Ferguson Missouri protestors, vote for Hillary, if not vote for Trump. Its that simple. The people that vote for Trump don't destroy society if they get mad.

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