    What is the largest number you've ever had to deal with?

    Greatest number of.......candies, acreage, dollar bills,  miles,  or what? 

    +4  Views: 663 Answers: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

    7 Answers

    Photos. Thousands of photos, too many still un"catalogued".     

    3500 kilometres.I drove to Darwin from Bris Vegas.


    I think you meant Las Vegas and wouldn't you have sailed that journey bro? LoL Jus kiddin c'mon I knew what you were talkin' '

    How many miles is that ?

    Lindi, we call it " Lost Wages "

    Just over 2000 miles

    Brisbane is commonly known as Bris Vegas by us locals.It gives the place a bit of glam. :)

    Tom that is so funny because we call Parksville ParksVegas because it is this long strip of a town... lol

    MCM Now I have that song stuck in my head but instead of Las Vegas I'm hearing Lost Wages ... rofl hahaha!

    55.  I just had a birthday and it is depressing :D


    But you had such a wonderful present at 50! Should have covered all the birthdays thereafter....

    Be happy. You have a wonderful life.

    You do not look anywhere near that,more like 35,,

    When I woke up on my 50th Fishes I freaked out and yelled "I made it!! I'm still allliiiivvve!!!" My girls thought I was nuts! And when I say 'girls' I mean the kids fer cryin out loud!! LOL Happy belated Birthday baby and Welcome to the Half-Century Club!!!

    I will get over it and it will take time. ... a lot of time. Le' Weepsy Weeps!

    Take it from me Fish-O ... double nickels is really good luck!! ;)

    I have my 'own personal' murder of crows. It happened quite naturally, not for my birthday. I have heard they are good luck as well.


    I was referring to your son......

    Fishie, everyday that you're above ground and healthy is a good day .

    Oh! Sorry Julie. I had my son at 48. I adore him but, I have to admit other parents at the school look at us as pretty strange and kids ask me if I am his grandmother. I feel kind of sorry for our little man as he actually hangs out with senior citizens more than he hangs out with kids. .... However, he won an award for being respectful far beyond his years at school just recently. ... "Whadda you going to do?"

    M-Cat you are correct.

    You keep doing what you are doing. I was always the oldest mom in the room, too. There were a few close in years, though. Some classmates of mine were grandma's before I had kids! Just take care of yourself.

    Thanks Bobette. I just had to cancel his birthday party because his Maha and Aunt didn't understand that he really wanted them there. I think they have forgotten what it means to turn seven.
    I had to modify Christmas because his sister said she is never coming to our house again. Kids upset them ... all.

    So, we are going to Science World instead and my heart is broken once again. It is as if they want him here in theory but not in practice.

    Me being 55 means that everyone is getting older and unfortunately more judgemental. I don't think they know how much it hurts me and effects my little man.

    (All of our birthdays are in July)

    Maybe he can write their invitations next time.
    People don't think how their actions affect the children of the parents they are trying to hurt.

    That is a brilliant idea.

    Thank you Bobette. He was planning his party for an entire year. Stupid me thought we only had to ask, "Can you attend?"

    Honestly, he is special. I thought it would be enough. He is the only grandchild. .... Who will receive p-js because it is thought he has too many sets of Lego and toys in general.

    He is turning seven and he is an only child .... Hit me over the head.


    Playing is a part of learning.


    OK ... I am done.

    400,000 ..... I can tell this now because it is ancient history ... lol

    I used to hold cash for a guy ... 400 grand at a time because you can trust me ... lol

    It paid my rents for a looong time. I've often been told I am the most level on-the-level person ... I would never in a million years rip someone off. Simple. Honest Abe right here.



    Thats a lot of Dosh,my Girl,,

    Indeed ... and it all fit inside a 27 inch colour TV !! OLL!!!!! millions 

    ....personal: nunya

    65, then trying to get a pension off the government..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Not paid in enough?
    terryfossil 1

    7 weeks since i became a pensioner mate.still waiting for the government to flip me a will be enough when i finally do get it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Recently , someone won the Mega-Million - - -   $ 510 Million.   And that your chances of winning the Mega-Million  is  249 million to one !   :-\     Now, that's big numbers !! 

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