    They had to be from out of state!

    +2  Views: 644 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    It really doesn't matter where these people hail from.  They could be from the moon.  They made and incredibly bad decision and it more than likely was not the only bad decision that they have made.  This time, they actually got caught. 

    Children are a blessing not a burden.  Someone forgot to tell them that.  And, by the way, no dog should be tied up on a chain in the backyard ever.  (I read this article yesterday, long before you posted it.  There is so much wrong with these human beings ... it is astronomical.).   

    I hope they chain her up.


    I hope they take the chain out of the ground.
    Two negatives do not equal a positive. Hopefully that woman and her husband experience a program that enables them to have true respect for children. They then will be empowered to teach their children to do the same.
    Neither one of them could not have grown up in loving and supportive environments. If they had, we would not have read this story.

    ....God, please help all concerned.

    "Prolley a Republican from California"

    Another example of being "in De Nile"
    Image result for photo of nile river


    You do realise that when a person spends most of their life being mentally and emotionally beaten up, the journey to healthy mind set is long and arduous.

    It is actually difficult to bounce back

    A person who is bipolar and on medication is in a fragile state of affairs as well. I have two friends who are bipolar and can't handle conflict of any kind. They melt.

    I am not taking sides.

    I do see where you are both coming from.

    ... There was a time when we could all laugh.

    I do hope the two of you find your friendship again.

    Do you get my emails? Fish

    I was unaware that republicans abused their children as a matter of fact…...

    I have one of your emails Julie and none from Bobette.
    I think highly of you both.

    It is very sad to loose a friendship over perception.

    Communication is key.

    Over nothing, she’s the one to leave…...

    Do I have your right address? email me a hello so I can make sure. I’ve sent you two….

    @ Julie. We have a birthday party to attend. I will email you tonight. :)


    Thank you for your concern, FISH-O, and the careful way you present your thoughts. I appreciate the thoughtfulness you bring to a discussion.
    We all have facts and circumstances and histories that are never brought out in a forum like this, or even in one on one relationships that establish outside of them. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just that we don't wear them on our sleeves to show everyone.
    For a long time, I was supportive of my friend and enjoyed my favorite vacation of all time with her in NY last summer.
    Actually, I got really tired of the put-downs jhharlan was posting on her FB account that were aimed at my values. Perhaps they were meant to be funny, but I take things personally. The snide remarks had been going on for a long, long time.
    "I left" because I was done being criticized for my political, ethical, and moral values. With a click of an icon, I didn't have to subject myself to that form of abuse from a friend. Was there a "last straw" remark? Yes.
    In many ways, I admired jhharlan for all she had done in her life in the face of a variety of odds. When we said good-bye in NY, I was excited for her to be going home to face a demon and put it out of her life. The motivation was there, the will to move on was there, and every good reason was glaringly obvious.
    Even those with emotional and/or mental difficulties can be strong and rational, make a tough choice and better themselves. All jhharlan had to do was make a phone call and I know someone would have bent over backwards to make a "brand new start" reality.
    It was a conscious choice to antagonize me and it was a conscious choice to remain in an incredibly abusive, unproductive, debilitating relationship. I hung up the pom poms feeling belittled and betrayed.

    For Bobette;

    I do actually like you both very much, I won't choose a side.

    I don't do Facebook and have no intention of getting involved as so many friendships end because of the vehicle it presents. Facebook is highschool as far as I am concerned and highschool is a nightmare.

    The only good thing about highschool is it actually ends.

    I do hope the two of you can fix it. You were and can still be good friends.

    ... with love and respect for the two of you, xo, your fish loving pal.

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