    completed the application for Blue Cross from Obama Care and they cannot find my application even though I have a confirmation number

    0  Views: 1451 Answers: 1 Posted: 8 years ago

    1 Answer

    Call them again and ask for a supervisor. Explain yourself and what you have. Maybe you copied the # wrong. If it's actually printed, all the more to your favor. They should be able to find your info regardless. Call and call if you must. Be nice and selfassured, be professional. In other words, don't start crying.....

    And remember, in case you have to start over:

    The current "Open Enrollment Period" is from November 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016. Existing 2014/2015 plans expire on December 31, 2015. In order to avoid any gaps in coverage, it is highly recommended you sign-up by December 15, 2015.

    You must sign up by the 15th of the current month in order to have coverage by the start of the coming month. For example, if you enroll by December 15, your coverage begins on January 1, 2016. However, if you are even a day late, you would have to wait until February 1, 2016 for your coverage to begin.

    When Open Enrollment ends, or after January 31, 2016, the "Special Enrollment Period" kicks-in. During this time, unless you have a major life change, known as a "Qualifying Life Event", you are not eligible to sign up for coverage. Learn more about the Special Enrollment Period and check if you have a Qualifying Life Event here

    What if you not only missed Open Enrollment, but you also do not have a Qualifying Life Event? The good news is that with, you can still get a private insurance plan, known tas a "Short Term Plan". Learn more about Short Term insurance here



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