I ordered a product and it was late in arriving. I wrote the company and they said “for some reason it never made it to shipping” and they would make up another order and ship it Fed Ex……...
The next day the product arrived after all. Yesterday I also got the product as promised. Whoa, two orders of the same thing (underwear). What would you do?
Post Script: the company couldn't believe this was possible, it couldn't happen so essentially, keep it.....
4 Answers
When a company makes a mistake, it costs that company money. If you really think that it doesn't matter, why even ask here "what would you do"? You already know that some would just keep the product and others would be more honest. And you?
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I’m up in the air (it’s the weekend, no shipping ). I have until Monday to decide. I like y’all opinions. (I’ll call them)
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