    I have just seen on the news that Robin Williams is dead from possible suicide! How very sad! It seems fame and money can not buy happiness! May he rest in peace

    +8  Views: 914 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Suicide is the ultimate end of being depressed. He has suffered on and off for years with depression and often added alcohol to try to cope. How very sad for his family and friends. They could not have helped but will feel guilty, regardless.        :(

    Julie has been text messaging the same sad news. 

    What a waste, and how right you are, clu.  I don't want to walk a mile in anyone else's sandals, boots, shoes, or flip flops, and don't mean to be judgmental, but to take one's own life is a devastating choice and the trauma, guilt, questions, and heartache they leave is unconscionable.  In many ways, it seems the height of selfishness (as well as despair). 

    And, yes, I knew people who committed suicide and know the "loved ones" left behind.

    R.I.P. Robin Williams. 

    My sympathy to those who cared for him on a personal level. 


    I too know about suicide and you are right! It is selfish and leaves devastated lifes behind!

    Suicide is not a selfish act. It is the final step one takes when one lacks coping mechanisms. ... I have had five solid years to think about this subject as my sister took life's gift and ended her life lessons.

    This journey of Robin William's, was unfortunately written out very clearly for all to see in real time. Today is a very sad day.

    The only reason the people left behind believe suicide is a selfish act is because they are left to deal with their own emotions.

    At this very moment, I have a good friend who's sister is in advanced stage four breast cancer. She went off conservative medication. No one can call her selfish.

    I too know about suicde.We recently had a suicide in the family.(My brother's son in law.)he left behind 2 very small kids.It was devastating.

    He couldn't help it. As sad as what the fall-out may be, he saw no other way. ... For many the fight is far too large. :(

    Life simply becomes too overwhelming to be able to believe that there is any other option.

    The suicide in our family was over a gambling debt.After it was all over it came to light that he was into a bookie for $60K.

    Sadly Tommy, he saw no way out.

    He had a disease akin to alcoholism. He only saw one way out. ... I have had two friends who had to pay off the debts. Their ex-husbands are still alive.

    There really is no end to what a person will experience.

    We all have to do it.

    It truly is sad to watch someone else experience harsh lessons. ... I always wish that some how I can make the pain go away. I think about my harsh and painful moments and "know" those other lessons are not my life lessons to learn at this time.

    I imagine if life were easy we would not all be here. ... I for one would be hanging out with aliens eating gluten free tarts and not giving a thought to my waistline.

    With all the help and support available to someone with the status of Robin Williams, and a wife and children left to cope with his death, it's hard for me to swallow the depression excuse. There ARE treatments and medications and therapy available. What a betrayal to those who loved him. Sorry, I'm not buying any excuses on this one. A lifetime of struggle....but every possible source of help available.....

    A person who is depressed, consistently does the opposite to what they should be doing, unless they become "aware" at the very early stage of depression. He/she will withdraw, stop answering the phone, stop normal activities, stop eating properly, etc., etc. Each of those things, makes the depression worse. Seeking help becomes foreign to a depressed person. They just want the depression to stop and they no longer see a way out of it. Depression is an illness and just like cancer, it has nothing to do with status, money, friends, relatives or the weather. It is a helpless, hopeless, repressive, painful, feeling and I hope that I never experience it again, ever!

    My partners son committed suicide almost24 years ago on aug21st! He hung himself in his sisters barn! Why did he put her through that? I still think it was selfish and that he considered none of his family left to deal with this!

    Robin struggled with drug and alcohol abuse for decades and knew he was depressed. Many on this site have been through and still struggle with depression and/or addiction on a daily basis. We KNOW it. We know there is help available. I know we can dig our own holes, and many of us do. The thing is, this man had every resource available to him and money was no object. The choice to seek treatment or take your own life, becomes your responsibility. I really doubt suicide via asphyxiation is a spontaneous action. Each step is deliberate. Plenty of time to consider everyone and everything.
    My sorrow is no less for the victims (everyone is a victim here)., especially the victims who may carry guilt and feelings of responsibility every day of their lives.
    Does anyone know if Mr. Williams left a note or letter? That alone has the potential to give the surviving victims some focus.

    Depression is an ILLNESS not a WEAKNESS!!!!
    Like so many other things in life, you cannot hope to understand it, unless and until you have experienced it.

    Ducky, I have been diagnosed with depression, taken medication for years. At one point, I was almost hospitalized. It is NOT something I don't understand. It is not something I have not experienced. It is my lifestyle, and I fight to keep my head above water. There may be times I tell myself, "I'd be OK with dying", committing suicide is NOT the means by which my time will come.
    It IS an illness; I've not said otherwise. I'm just not giving a pass on suicide as being an action from which someone couldn't stop himself. It is a conscious, deliberate action and choice.

    I know that you understand it Bob. You and I have discussed it, in the past. I believe that there are variations in depression. It can be experienced once or twice and never again, it can be an ongoing battle, medication can be required for life or only temporarily and it (the depression) can be mild, moderate, severe or extremely severe. I would not want to judge someone who ends it by committing suicide as I don't believe the person is thinking clearly and it's NOT his/her fault but rather, the "fault" of the disease. We cannot possibly be "inside that person's head".

    I do agree with you, Ducky. The extent of RW's illness is unimaginable to much help available and affordable...this didn't have to happen...I can't help thinking, this didn't have to happen. This doesn't ever need to happen. :(

    My sister was a nurse. All the help in the world was available to her. She was alarmingly thin when she took her own life.
    I maintain, suicide is not a selfish act. When a person is that depressed the weight of the negative emotions is all consuming, overwhelming and beyond any other set of emotions one normally has to deal with.
    The people who are left behind often focus upon their own emotions without walking in the shoes of the victim of a horrible disease.

    I am devistated. However, my sister suffered for her entire adult life. I know this to be true as I spoke to her almost every day at great length. No one else could handle it any more. Everyone was angry at her because she had become impossible to deal with.

    My sister doesn't have to suffer any longer. ... There was no getting better. There was no help that worked no matter how hard she tried. She could not live in that mind for one more day and so, she said goodbye.

    That's it.

    One more small note: the medication used to treat depression quite often dulls creativity... Which in it's self is extremely depressing for a creative person. One literally feels like creating nothing at all, leaving a creative mind without reason to live. ... This I know for fact as I have been prescribed medication for anxiety attacks which are the same as those prescribed for depression. I definitely did not experience anxiety, I lost my will to create and I became extremely depressed. ... Medication has been my personal adventure for the past two years. Far less entertaining than having my nails plucked out one by one whilst listening to nails on a chalk board.

    FISH-O, we don't agree on this at all, except that it is a tragedy for everyone. I'm sad for you losing your sister and her torture in life. I do not know how those who have taken their lives felt.

    Death is something everyone experiences alone. We all die and if we are blessed, we leave loved ones behind. Respectfully Bobette, if I thought as you do I would not be able to cope with my loss. I choose forgiveness, empathy and understanding. ... Nothing brings a dead person back.

    I still need to live.

    My sister was on medication and under professional care, so was my friend's son and another friend's sister.

    On this particular subject, we will never agree. :(.

    I would like to thank you and clu for your perspectives. I have often wondered why people treated me badly after my sister passed away and why so many "friends" never spoke to me again. ... Judgement is a curious commodity in that we all seem to believe we have a right to own it. ... One more valuable lesson for me to look within, learn and correct.

    I am not judging you, I am judging me.

    Fishy...I don't understand people treating you badly after your sister's suicide.Surely they would only be sympathetic.It's a wierd world sometimes.The ideas that some people get in their heads astounds me at times.I sympathize with you my dear & you have my sincere condolences for the loss of your sister.

    It makes no sense to me, either, to treat any family member who has a suicide in the family. Thinking more and more, it's not right for me to have any opinion of anybody's choices. I can be sympathetic and empathetic...judgmental has no place in death.

    Suicides make me very angry. I guess because I’ve been down that low, low road for most of my life. Thank God for proper medication.  RIP Robin, I wish I could have talked to you………..

    I just heard the news on the radio.R.I.P. Mork. Funny man.They sad he had depression.How strange.


    If you are thinking it's strange because he was so funny, depressed people often keep it well hidden to the outside world. It would only be obvious if we could see a person during those times when they are tucked away alone, that they are a tortured soul, greatly in need of love and support and help.

    I believe he wore his depression clearly. It was heavy.

    FISH....only to those who are already "aware" experience or observation.

    Who cares how he died ----- A brilliant human being, ROBIN WILLIAMS R.I.P..


    I looked forward to watching him being interviewed on live television because he was a ball of energy and he kept me in stitches.  It's sad knowing he'll never again wake up!

    I'm crying as I type this. Here's my favorite movie of his:


    Wonderfully funny! I loved the Mork & Mindy series.

    It's hard to understand how someone famous and talented can suffer from depression, but it happens a lot.

    Rest in peace Robin Williams.


    He was mentally ill with a disease called depression. Depressed people believe that they are worthless.

    Your words are completely true Ducky. The cup does not fill up.

    I personally don't know the fellow, However it's very wrong too commit suicide and may God bless his soul R.I.P. I Cannot speak for him although I have been in depression often and it not a good feeling. My answer was too pray and ask God for help. easer said then done. All thing work for good to them that love Him.


    God seems as far away as all of your "close friends" when you are in the depths of depression. It seems that no one, not even God, cares.

    Words written with truth dear Ducky.

    It's when I am at my lowest that I feel God closest, and the comfort I get from Him takes me through whatever....though I've not faced a hideous tragedy in my life...

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