    When is this going to stop, another 5 shot dead at a pizza restaurant in Las Vegas.

    My worry is the kids here in Australia tend to follow the U.S. culture which i think will induce copy cats, there is some really disturbed kids out there, something has to be done with your out dated Gun Laws.

    +6  Views: 1588 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    Did you hear about Canada? They have gun laws like the ones we have here in the USA. Maybe they will listen to you.
    By the way, USA gun laws are not outdated. The politicians update them all the time. Trouble is, criminals do not obey laws. Law abiding citizens are not out shooting people. Get your kids under control and tell them to stop following what insane people in the USA do. Tell them it does not make them look too bright following the actions of mental people. It's not our fault your guys can not control your kids when they choose to copy cat others. Ask your media to stop showing you only shootings in the USA.

    Are you sure you have the story correct? If this is the same one, 2 police officers were killed, not 5 people, before an armed citizen stepped up to the shooters and fired at them. Both shooters went behind the restaurant and killed themselves which is typical of the insane people who go on shooting sprees, when faced with a gun, they kill themselves. We need more armed citizens to stop these insane people.

    Moncton, New Brunswick gunman arrested on Thursday, June 05, 2014.

    It is a common fantasy that gun bans make society safer. In 2002 — five years after enacting its gun ban — the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime. In fact, the percent of murders committed with a firearm was the highest it had ever been in 2006 (16.3 percent), says the D.C. Examiner.

    Even Australia’s Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime:
    •In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
    •Sexual assault — Australia’s equivalent term for rape — increased 29.9 percent.
    •Overall, Australia’s violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.

    Moreover, Australia and the United States — where no gun-ban exists — both experienced similar decreases in murder rates:
    •Between 1995 and 2007, Australia saw a 31.9 percent decrease; without a gun ban, America’s rate dropped 31.7 percent.
    •During the same time period, all other violent crime indices increased in Australia: assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
    •Sexual assault — Australia’s equivalent term for rape — increased 29.9 percent.
    •Overall, Australia’s violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.
    •At the same time, U.S. violent crime decreased 31.8 percent: rape dropped 19.2 percent; robbery decreased 33.2 percent; aggravated assault dropped 32.2 percent.
    •Australian women are now raped over three times as often as American women.

    While this doesn't prove that more guns would impact crime rates, it does prove that gun control is a flawed policy. Furthermore, this highlights the most important point: gun banners promote failed policy regardless of the consequences to the people who must live with them, says the Examiner.

    Source: Howard Nemerov, “Australia experiencing more violent crime despite gun ban,” Free Republic, April 9, 2009.

    10 Answers

    I don’t own a gun. I’ve wished people  ill will but I’ve NEVER wanted to shoot someone and I’m about as Texan as one can get……….

    It seems that if someone gets angry with another person, they just grab a gun and start shooting. Mass shootings will soon have no affect on our kids. It's just what they see on tv everyday!  What a sad society.          :(


    I think change will only come about when politicians suffer first hand, which is also sad.

    Yes, it is. :(

    They don't listen Kent.


    i know Tom, i just getting sick of all these mass killings, i don't understand their mentality.

    Negativity on this Planet will never cease ... but it will decrease in the years to come because of awareness and changing attitudes toward diagnosing mental illness and the treatments there-of.

    Education systems are on the verge of remarkable changes as well which will help immensely.

    There appears to be too much confusion in the world but this will soon clear up because of the many people who are waking up to what is going on here ... be the change ... think it into being ...


    Hey Kent,Gun laws do not stop people killing people,,killing each other has been going on since Cain killed Able,,and he probably done it with a knife or rock,, i have heard people on this site say,it is mental health that is to blame,well mate,that just wont cut it,Everyone of us on this site is capable of being  a razor blade away from going ape,,BUT GUN LAWS DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING..changing the people is the only way..however ,you go ahead and pick out the fruit loop in a city full of people before he or she flips their lid,,it is not possible..if their was one message i would like to teach every single human being that i believe might help, it is "respect your fellow mans right to life,and do unto them as you would have them do unto YOU"i know it is a simple and dumb message,But you give me something better<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Always nice talking boys and gals


    ... golden rule rules man! Yesss!

    terry, a lot of those murders wouldn't have taken place if the gun wasn't there.......especially the mass murders done in malls, schools, movie theaters with automatic weapons> > > > military style AK 47s

    Where do they get the AK 47's?

    mcm, do some research. The mall shooting was a semi automatic rifle, not an automatic rifle. Automatic rifles are illegal for civilians to own in every state in the USA. There is a difference between automatic and semi automatic guns. You should take some time to educate yourself on the difference. The theater shooting was a pump action shotgun. Sandy Hook was not an AR-15 as first reported by an over zealous media, it was a hunting rifle and handguns. Shotguns were used at Columbine. NOT automatic rifles. Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA told women they should get shotguns to defend themselves with. Imagine that. Please know something about guns before you speak about them and spread false information.
    terryfossil 1

    MCM,Cars dont't kill you ,it is the idiot behind the wheel,,We all agree with that. But say the same thing.....MCM, Guns don't kill you,it is the idiot behind the gun,,we agree with the first statement,but not the second statement.... ( THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME )Surely we are smarter than the car driver or the shooter MCM

    I do Colleen i sujest you do the same,

    You do what hector? I did not say anything to you here. I was correcting mcm's mistake about the gun/s used in the mass shootings.

    I got the wrong commet section,I do read up most things on the internet that i find of intrest,

    Well it is rather silly for you to suggest that I research when you know I do and will supply links to any research that you request. You know me well enough by now to know I can and will always back up what I say in debates like this with facts or stats.

    Yes althought i do not think you always come to the right conclusions

    Well, I do not come to your conclusions anyway ;) I've never seen you add links for where you get your information from so I just assume it's something you heard on TV. Especially your claims about the USA. Most political commentators just share their opinions, much of which are just that, opinions with no facts. This is why I never refer to CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any opinion orientated media organization. They do not present the facts. Just opinions.

    We need more people like Alec's Jones etc, to keep us all on a even keel,Bigger and better guns is what is wanted by some of them,A,k 47s G,dam it,


    Hilarious as always Dennis. :)

    What happens when you take guns away from the people, the criminals will be the only ones with them. DEATH PENALTY .   Just keep locking these people up until they are all gone out of society.


    You should have some kind of law and order,as they do in most normal countrys,I,E,like an elected police force,who are thier to see the law of the land is abided by,

    the prisons are like a revolving door. When some henious crime is committed against a person, the perpetrator usually has a rap sheet as long as your arm.

    hector before you go spouting off that there is no law and order, visit the country and find out for yourself if it's as bad as your media wants to make it appear and make you believe it is. Bulletman didn't even produce facts of this shooting. Either his media made up what he wrote up there or he did just to get more drama against the USA going (again ), which seems to be his favorite pastime lately. A link to his "source" would have been helpful, since 5 people were not shot dead. It is not the law abiding Americans who are killing people. If it were, there would be no one left alive in this country. The fact that we still have approx 314 million people here and approx 300 million guns is evidence it is not a wild and crazy war zone here, not matter what your biased media tells you. IF the USA was as lawless as you have apparently been led by your media to believe, and IF everyone with a gun ran around daily using it to murder others, we should/would have less population than the UK. Just stop with the baseless and fact-less accusations about the USA already. It just shows how easily led you are by anything you are too lazy on your own to truly investigate. BTW, with the shape the UK is in right now, I hope you do not think of it as one of those "normal" countries that you mentioned. Hope you're a fan of Sharia Law because the EU is on a fast track of making it your new way of life. Here in the USA we still have freedoms and rights. Do you miss yours yet?

    Do your reserch Colleen,per one hundred thoundsand peoples,the U,S,A as against most normal countrys,its one of the highest for gun crime,

    I've done the research and brought you the research. You refuse to acknowledge the facts. You just keep drinking the media koolaid rather than admit that when there are over 600 million people in one nation, there will be violence and crime. Look at your over all crime due to the fact that UK citizens can not defend themselves from criminals. It's too high, higher than that of the USA for such a small population. That's the real issue that you ignore. UK gun laws put the citizens lives in jeopardy. You would rather that so you can just sit on your little island and point a finger at the US and talk crap about it when you only know what your TV tells you. How much coverage did your TV choose to give you about Rambo running around Canada killing their Mounties? I bet your little TV made no mention of it. Why? Because it was not about the USA. Selective reporting is quite useful for making one country look bad. If normal is the UK and their socialist ways that take rights from the citizens then I'll keep the USA and whatever you feel is abnormal about it. By the way, tell your government officials to stop hiding the gun related deaths happening over there. Do your research, it's a fact that many are being reported as "other" crimes, not as gun crimes so they can make their gun law "appear" to be working.

    This is not a Socialist country,Colleen far from it its a conservative county,an i have all the news media on mt little t/v,and do scan all the news media,good bad and the ugly,I have live in other countrys ,on my tours in the Army,What you want to do with your guns good luck to you,but dont expect us to follow you down your inane parth,

    LMAO, sure hector. Convince yourself of that while you exist under the socialized dictatorship of the EU that forces you to take care of everyone else but your own people. Your own PM can not make a move or a decision without approval from the EU. The EU dictates and the UK follows it's commands. You are not allowed to have more than anyone else. Your extra is given away to take care of other countries in the EU. That my friend is socialism. You even have a socialist medical system. Oh and check with your people. They want their guns back because they know your gun laws are a farce and do not stop crime. You may be back on this path sooner than you think.

    As you say Colleen,you are as usual talking a lot of sense,We have so much to learn from someone as wise as you,and your band of brother's or Sisters ie,your interlectials Alex Jones and the like,not to mention Bush and co, who draged us into an ileagal and pointless war,ref,the Weapons of Mass Distruction,

    They are not my band of brothers and sisters and your PM only had to say no. Bush was not my choice for a president and his own party said no to his wars. I said no also but the people's voice is not acknowledged for wars. It was the democrats who said yes to his wars. That includes Obama when he had a seat on Bush's congress. Your PMs should stop agreeing with US presidents and learn how to say no and stand on their own. You're on your own for learning. I just type what I've learned from my own research. There's a wealth of information on the internet. So much more than any media outlet will tell you.

    As soon as our government realizes that there is a huge mental illness problem that needs to be seriously addressed, then the problem with people killing people will continue. Even if all the guns were gone, it would not help. People will kill with whatever method they can find, be it a knife, poison, 2 x 4, or a shoe. Are we to take everything away from people or should we fix the real problem. What makes sense to you?


    Yes i agree but they find the gun more conveniant,

    Not true hector. Murder by gun is not the highest rate of killings in this country. Do some research since you want to be so fixated on what happens here. You have a computer, use it for more than just this site.

    These two people that killed were part of the local nazi party. They had a problem with government. Their answer was to kill. Start identifying these people as security threat groups and deal with them , the problem then.

    The wording of the second amendment is as follows:

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    MY interpretation of these words suggests that a MILITIA is what we have a right to, not a personal arsenal....a well-regulated (disciplined, orderly) militia at that. 

    MILITIA:  A militia generally is an army or other fighting force that is composed of non-professional fighters; citizens of a nation or subjects of a state or government that can be called upon to enter a combat situation, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time military personnel, or historically, members of the fighting nobility class (e.g., knights or samurai).

    As I read through the question, answers, and comments, it starts to make sense why we aren't supported as a "help" site by Google.  



    I suppse ypu are right,MsBob, it is a free for all, the left and right never the Twain will meet, it's all about different societies and cultures, it is how we have grown up , becomes the norm, i'm afraid the rest of the world will never agree with the U.S. on this topic and vice versa - i love stirring things up and being serious at the same time, have a good day, Bob.

    Oh i will just add the second amendment was drawn up well over 200 years ago, at that time it was revelant to have a Militia, the bearing of arms and what not but in this day and age with your large military forces and technology they are are no longer required - this only my opinion which probably has no basis being a non citizen of the United States. :)

    We in England have a reserve force called the Territory Army to call on as a back up if things get a bit rough,I was in iit for over 4years ,after serving in the Regular Army,for two years,the idea is to keep you up to date with the lateist equipment,and keeping fit of course,Miss Bob,

    I am saying, if I interpret this amendment as it was written and when it was written, I see that, since there was no formal armed forces at the time, the writers of the Constitution gave the people the right to have weapons FOR THE PURPOSE OF BEING A WELL-REGULATED MILITIA FOR THE PURPOSE OF KEEPING THEIR COUNTRY AND CITIZENS SECURE.
    This is NOT the same thing as "I want to go hunting for deer" or "I like to target shoot". It's not wrong to hunt or target shoot. Most people who do those things are no threat to society. Where the problems lie are in people with intent to use the weapons against other people (NOT for security of a free State) having access to guns and all kinds of weaponry. THAT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. HOW? I don't know.

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