15 Answers
I rearranged the back bedroom, added to the collection of broken glasses, plucked Roy's grey eyebrows, took our bed apart-still waiting to piece it back together and I stayed up until dawn entertaining myself on the internet. This is all the excitement I can handle for one week. :)
10 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

Watched the finales of American Idol, Survivor and Dancing with the Stars!
For a whole variety of reasons, I'm currently experiencing a "life lull". lol
10 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

Had my bedroom rearranged,dumped a whole lot of broken glass, got my eyebrows totally annihilated, still trying to work out how to put the bed together, sleeping on mattress on the floor at present, had a few early nights, unlike some people, quiet week really. ;)
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |

BTW do you know that eyebrows closest to the nose grows upward while the hair across the the top of the eyebrow grow outward and downward and the hair in the lower brow area grows outward and upward

Helped get ready for the Mother's Day tea at the Meux Home (an historical landmark in Fresno where I volunteer and will soon be giving tours...invitation given)
Had a nice Mum's Day bbq with my sons and their families
BOWLING: league and state tournament
Babysat my little grandson
Had lunch with my son, wife, and her little sweetie
Had dinner by the pool with my son, wife, her little sweetie, and his three; looked for snails and played
FINISHED my first college semester in YEARS, and think I may have earned a 4.0 average. This included finishing my copper bracelet, submitting 5 poems for publication, and doing pretty well on two finals in Bible Lit.
Got a new bowling ball
Went shopping; got the grandchildren some clothes, my married son/daughter-in-law some silverware, a picture frame, and, for her, a Keurig single serve (brand new for $35...on sale, coupons, and % off), some clothes and cool purse for myself.
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Not much over the past 2 weeks.The fun starts tonite.We get one weekend a month to do what we like when our daughter goes in for "respite".After we drop her at the respite centre we will have dinner with the other 2 daughters & the grandkids at our favourite Chinese resturaunt.Tomorrow we will drive down to the Gold coast for lunch with other family that live there.Sunday we will probably go to one of the local markets.Have breakfast there & browse the bargains.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Opened up the pool, cleaned the garden beds, planted flowers, painted some outdoor furniture, planned my kitchen re-do and picked out some beautiful marble for the new countertops, played pool with my team (won all my games) and brought my husband and daughter to several doctors appointments, and had lunch with the girls.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I worked my butt off at the investment house, two away from the residential home. I jacked up the shed, cleaned it, bleached and scrubbed, then painted it. We babysat, all three grandkids at once! (more work than the shed). Today, working on new frame of bird netting for the blueberry bushes. Sun. and Mon. visiting friends and cookouts.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
last week i went to a family picnic at a place called coyote point in san mateo, california. it has a beach and play areas for kids. people were in the water. not me. i saw family and some friends i haven't seen for a year or in some cases months. my brother's son is a chef and he cooked the ribs, chicken, lamb. he is a fantastic cook. my brother sent him to chef school years ago. now he's a great cook and one of my favorite nephews. this upcoming weekend i hope to do nothing but look at the birds, bees and flowers and trees in my neighborhood.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |