    Have you ever met a famous person?

    +8  Views: 3952 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    Got blootered with Ozzy Osbourne a few times, not exactly my claim to fame.



    i like sharon and her daughter. thanks romos!

    They never had kids when we shared that time, long time ago.

    Romos, goes to show how this life moves on. it don't wait for nobody. that why my viewpoint, 'don't worry, be happy'. everyday.

    I am Suzie, I am!

    That's cool, Romeo.Where did you meet him ?

    Stayed in the same hotel he was staying in.

    My mother lived with  Jimmy Don Cox.  He's by no means famous, but he did have a bit part as an extra in Gunsmoke and he played the County Sheriff in Tommy Lee Jones movie, The Good Ole Boy's.   Jimmy was also an artist and sculptor. Here's a picture he painted several years ago. Every Cowboy in this painting is a well known  person, such a Wilford Brimley, Elmor Kelton, Bruce Boxleiter etc.  Jimmy Don was also a great Festus impersonator.;base64,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



    Fish of the day

    Beautiful spectacular fish, with the name of cichlasomacitrinellum , which come from the Central America, Nicaragua, Costa Rica. In China its name is shouxing fish, means lucky and longevity.


    That fish has bumped hes head on the side of the tank,
    country bumpkin

    Beat over the head is more like it.
    Jimmy died of cancer about 2 years ago. You would have liked to of known him, he did a great Festus impression. I know he met Miss Kitty.

    When I was in Las Vegas with my parents, and nothing to do, I met Dean Martin AND Bob Newhart (different times).  Both men were exceedingly cordial and pleasant. I have an 8 x 10 B/W glossy autographed by Dean.  


    country bumpkin

    Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies are my favorite old black and white movies.

    now that dean was a special handsome man, my type.

    Hysterical duo. To this day, I remember how gracious Dean was, and how heartbroken he was when his son, Dino, was killed.

    he was never the same after his son died .Ditto for Johnny Carson.

    I met Barry Crocker (The Adventures of Barry MacKenzie) at Jupiter's Casino.Nice bloke.Easy to talk to.

    I also met Johnny O'Keefe Outside the York Hotel in Brisbane once.He was trying to catch a cab.

    And of course There was Rock 'n' Roll George whom I met several times.George was an iconic Brisbane celebrity.He drove around in an old Holden that everyone recognised.A sign on the front said "Rock"n"Roll.Sadly he passed a year or so ago.He will be missed.



    Ky ay mother .....

    How about Chips Raffity,

    He was a bit before my time Den.
    terryfossil 1

    he died in 2009 and had a 1952 FX HOLDEN best car on the road after an FJ nice talking Tommyh,,i bumped into him at West End one night,,we sat down on the steps of a fruit shop, and knocked over a large one each,,he was buying

    I Almost met Pope John the II,


    Missed the taxi huh?

    it's so exciting to be close to popular and famous souls. i don't know why tho. maybe we feel some of them will rub off on us. maybe it does. thanks hector, hope you're having a beautiful day!

    No i was to high on a tower,watchimg anyone watching him,

    that's still good.

    Thanks terry i got a lot of pictures of him handing out specials medals,


    I leaned against Lyndon Johnson’s car while he was in it.  The secret service made me move…..



    i love that fish!!!

    Thanks and I really did lean against the president’s car. I was about 12…….

    see kids can get away with any thing & also old old people. see what we got to look forward to.

    I just act real confused and I get away with murder……...
    country bumpkin

    Julie this is cool! i was living in Austin when President Johnson died and I watched his funeral procession pass right in front of us. didn't you tell me once you were there too? Maybe we were standing feet from each other.
    I Love Your Fish!

    Maybe. I don’t think I went. Parents and all that. And thank you…….

    saw LBJ outside at the airport. He was moving along a fence shaking hands with everybody , using both his hands. Skipped over my hand. My dad was a little p-----d about that.

    i met and talked with Ray Isherwood,,he was an international test cricket umpire,,i was a wharehouse cricket umpire foe 8 years,,i applied to become a Q.C.A. umpire,,i did my exams and practical training with Ray Isherwood,,i received my badge from Ray,,and i remained a umpire for 2 years,,i received a letter from England to umpire in their county games during Aussie of season,,much to my wife's disappointment i turned it down,,,,,,,,i also touched the original Sheffield Shield before security chased me away,,,,,,,,always nice talking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Thier lost was your gain terry,Square leg to you mate,
    terryfossil 1

    your right Hec,i let it go straight through to the keeper,,thanks mate

    Yeah..most days if you go down Portobello Road,London,W11....Last week ..Kate Moss and daughter Lila...Annie Lennox,Elle Mc Phearson,LATE Lord Litchfield`s sister who is the Queen`s Cousin..all live in our gardens..well not "in" THE GARDEN!:-) the garden...Mark Owen,Take that buys voice sweets at local pharmacy...Oasis singer Liam Gallagher..right W....(Not nice guy)...Piers Brosnen has a pad a cuppla streets away..Harry Styles..1D....Loads more...They are just ordinary but rich people..But the only two I really love meeting are James Bowen..and his Street Cat Bob!!..Do you know those two?..He was a Big Issue seller who has an amazing rapport with his gorgeous cat!..(Don`t know who I love most..I`d take them both)!!!...They are mine!:-)`s that for name dropper of the year!!..Loads more..but can`t be bothered to type..Oh wait for it...Madonna...a Dr.friend of mine had a six week fling with her and he dumped her..said she was way too clingy!!LOL


    My dad knew most of the older ones ,Eyol Fline,Joan and Jackie Collins,John Mills etc,and the Hores bank groupe,

    John Mills I met when he was visiting his wife in hosp.some years ago...LOVELY Man!:-)XX..O.k sorry but you got me on a roll here..hosp situations..people I`ve met Ruby Wax..and lives on my block..Patsy Kensit..Sir Bob"Don`t you know who I am"Geldof :-(...Sir Harold Wilson..Edward Fox,Princess Diana`s brother...AND for 10 seconds her when some of us were lucky enough to be picked to go to Buckingham Palace Gdn party..representing the N.H.S.(She was even more beautiful than in photos)!...O.k..I`ll shut up now!:-0

    o,m,g ,we are name dropping,A Friend i knew went out with Pet,Clark,

    Yep sorry dropping once in a blue moon doesn`t count does it? Very few of these people inspire me..if that makes it any better?;-)xx

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