
    Dean's List or Academic Probation?
    Captain of the team or Cheering from the bleachers?
    Goody two-shoes or incorrigible troublemaker?
    Perfect attendance or the invisible (wo)man?
    Prom Queen or Editor of the Yearbook (or both?)

    +9  Views: 2737 Answers: 13 Posted: 10 years ago

    13 Answers

    I was somewhat of a loner



    I hear ya; I feel ya; that's been my life!

    My "High school" consisted of 4 years night study & i day per fortnight at the Merrivale St., trade scool.

    It was quite different to the "School" enviroment.Pretty laid back.We called the teachers & instructors by their first names.Two of the teachers became good friends of mine.There were none of the social pressures that exist in school.Everyone was on the same level if you know what I mean.No bullies,no sports stars,(Plenty of clowns,myself included).

    We were all there to learn the trade we were apprenticed to do.


    The idea of trade school is genius. "Everyone" thinks "everyone" should go to college, and, honestly, there are seriously no viable trades for most college students. Even the engineers and architects are struggling to find work in their fields.
    No surprise you were a clown (so was I). Thanks for a great answer!

    back then (Early '60s) in this country College was not an option for 95% of kids.Trade apprenticeships were plentyful.University was for the rich people not the working class as I was.No regrets tho.I've done OK for a working class man.I can look back & say "I have helped build this country".

    My husband's H.S. was a boys trade school in Cleveland,Ohio. We need to bring them back.He took all the regular academic H.S. classes, as well as was taught his trade.

    ""Artsy Fartsy Musicians Etcetera Crowd aka Everyone!!


    What a great niche to have for yourself! Very fulfilling to be creative (so I've heard). :o

    John Lennon went to art college :-)

    My high school was exceedingly boring for a savant. There were bullies who would attack and harass any male student who made a grade above a C . In theory their idea was that if students made C or better their grade point average would go down since they thought they may actually have to work harder at school. So I left school and passed the GED and college entrance exam when the Cuban Missile crisis came up. I recognized the hazard of being on the East coast and joined the Navy in a 3 year enlistment and went to Japan and a ship there as an IC Phone service technician.    



    Still am!
    And it's goodnight from me!

    lindilou fleabulous! 8D

    I hope you can find a nice warm crack in the skirting boards to crawl into.Nitey nite.CRUNCH! OOPS! What was that I stood on?

    You look familiar. That's not a good thing.

    I'll take a flea over a roach anytime.

    See the quiries about aKaQA,Were oblituated Ted,

    Not really Dougal, check my answer in the blue area to his question.


                                                 SHOCKER!  I was part of this group 

                                                  during junior high and high school.

                                                   We were known as the "Freaks". 

       I was in the group of  teenagers who stood in the smoking section waiting for the first bell to ring and walked to the park across the street to get stoned during lunch. Friday was Pep Rally day and this always meant a long weekend because none of the "Freaks" went back to class when Pep Rally was over.

      Needless to say, I did not have very good grades in High School, C's were my average, but I do remember getting one A in English class.  My teacher asked us to write an advertisement using the (made up) word Glack.  My paper was titled, "Glack to Bring That Special Feeling Back".  It was about different scented and flavored rolling papers.  My teacher wrote a note in the margins of my paper informing me that she did not like the subject, but it was one of the most unusual and well thought out assignment that she had seen so she gave me an A.









    I like it if you cant Clack,give them a Wack,

    Very shy in high school but still, always had a few very close friends. I began to come out of my shell in my third year and then was always in trouble for laughing in class. I realized then, that a sense of humor could get me through a lot of "stuff". I think I also learned at that time, that some people are nasty by nature and stay that way their whole life. At least, that's what I've heard from those high school friends, with whom I am still in touch, many decades later!


    Ducky.. I thought you would have been 'quacking' too much.. lol ... and those nasty ninos were likely Foxes....Run Ducky Runnnnn!

    Hey are you?

    I am good and have managed to create a massive vegetable garden here which I am beginning to plant....whew....busy at it! :)
    The girls are awesome, my big girl aced first year at UVic and Storm is magnificent! Swimming 3x/week...Mommy is pretty tired but I'm still rockin'! I hope all is well with you my Ducky one! xox

    Nice to hear that kind of news about your girls. Now, watch out for Ducks wandering into that garden. :)
    lindilou far a pair of Mallards and a pair of

    Music was the only subject that I was any good at, played trombone and piano in the school orchestra, and also the county youth orchestra. But I really didn't work hard enough at any other subjects, to my regret. 


    Same here sunnyB...for me, socializing became more important. :)

    Still, we have a few stories to tell our grandchildren, mind you I haven't got any of those yet .

    A bit like To sir with love,all those bygone days,



    Those were the days, oh yes those were the days.

    Who were the Main actors?

    Main actors were, Sidney Poitier, Christian Roberts, Judy Geeson, Patricia Routledge.

    I Remember now sunny,is Paticha Rutledge the one that plays Hyasint Boquaye,and did Lulu sing the theam song,?

    Yes that's right Dennis.

    Loved that movie, and that song

    Were you one of thoughs Roo,Rar girls,??Bob??


    Quite the contrary.

    are pity,you would have looked nice dancing about with thoes pom,poms,i was in deep thought again,

    I was very shy and had no self confidence.  I did not realize any dreams or expectations, just was going to put in my time.  I got bumped up in sciences and math, from general studies, to business then to college prep.  (this was back when they tracked).  I still kept some business, typing. 


    Someone had an eye on you; lucky. Most of the time nowadays, "everybody" is focused on remediation.

    And my high school math teacher, who threatened me with bodily harm if I did not fill out at least one college application. He came from Appalachian Mts., and would not listen when I said "I cannot afford to go to college".. He left an envelope with Guidance with a check for $15 to cover the application fee!

    That is something that doesn't happen EVER! You were blessed with brains and good people to know it!

    i'll start will junior high, then high school.  my whole thing and love was sports and art. i went to school early before school to play volleyball.  i played basketball, a little track, dancing club, softball, tennis. i loved sports, that's all i did and drawing. loved art and took art classes. this was in san francisco. once i got to high school, we use to go to this coffee shop across from our school and play the juke box and dance before school. i love to dance then and now. i tended to have a few good buddies, but was friends with most everyone. i avoided clicks.  i've always apreciated all the kids and all the differences. i was fascinated that people were different races and cultures. that's fascinates me to this day. i was not into the opposite sex, i think partly because my father was so strict and i had so many other interest. if i had come up in this era i probably would have been a professional athlete. In junior high i often spoke to the whole school at assemblies. kids asked me to run for office.  i think that's where i learned to speak to groups of people, which i still do. i was basically a simple friendly student.


    Way more than "simple", tabber. Very involved and focused!

    Thanks Bob. i think what i was thinking was that i was not one of the sexy beautiful extremely popular greatly dressed fabulous figure people.

    Oh, The Barbie Bunch

    Right Bob. & they were a bunch. they even fascinated me. i was always amazed by people that had great characteristics. i could not understand how some kids could make straight A's or be math geniuses. i have one genius brother and i ask him how does it feel to be so smart. naturally he does not understand that question. it's normal for him. now that smart one is a software developer and makes the money i wish i made.

    Can't imagine being that intelligent. I have trouble following a crochet pattern if it has too many rows!

    Bob i know. that's why these people fascinate me. how do they do it. & often with such ease. well i guess god made us how he made us.

    @Bob...You are too hilariously sarcastic! LOL!!

    hey BOB,,i went to a school called INALA HIGH,,i was in a special class for different kids,,i think thats a good way to say that,,,i did not learn much at school ,except ,chase girls,,fight ,steal,,it was a school for great advancement,,by the time i got to my 30's,god turned me around,,hence the reason i say  "anybody can change ",,,,always nice talking Bob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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