    how do i get a copy of my GED for free

    0  Views: 1565 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    1. Find the mailing address for the institution where you obtained your GED. Duplicate copies of your GED are normally free if you took the test from the school. If your institution has closed or relocated, you can find it on the National Test Center website located in the Resources section of this article.


    2.Fill out an application for a copy of your GED. Information required on your application includes your legal name, home address, phone number, year of testing and a valid form of identification. 

    3. Send the application to the mailing address of the institution. If you are within driving distance, you may go into the records office to drop off your application. Allow time for processing and delivery.

    4. Write your home address on another envelope and mail it with your application. Depending on the institution, you may need to provide your own return mail envelope for the GED copy. 


    call or email whatever organization you got your GED from and ask them.

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