    how can science and technology reduce poverty?

    0  Views: 700 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    One way is to enable farmers to produce greater yields, thereby  becoming more self-sufficient and even profitable or more profitable.


    but we cannot have that, and not involve biotech, which have had some drawbacks with foods.

     There was a point in cultural evolution where S & T seemed to take folk out of poverty. No one seemed to notice that industrial progress took people off the farm and put them to work in the factory....resulting in a shortage of labor on the farm, requiring machinery to farm and inflating the value of currency. Gradually the production of products is closing in on how few employees are needed to produce marketable products leaving be replaced by robots. There are profitable enterprises that have no employees. 

    Have you considered not working as a full-time job? We all seek to have-it-all and feel-good about what we have accomplished.  That is possable with meaningful hobbies and working at it.  I raise chickens for eggs and sell them locally. Not a lot, just enough to provide fresh eggs to neighbors and myself and enough money to buy quality chicken food' When I clean the area where the chickens sleep, I have compost enough for a large, well fertilized garden. 

    I have other interesting hobbies besides chickens. The more, different ways I can use to generate a little income, the better I like that and interests me in all the ways a person like me can generate a personal income.   




    robertgrist - I will not get into the dreaded technology big subject - have no time at present. I love your hobbie - chickens - here I am in the heart of London and my neighbour has chickens - he also had a cockerel in the basement I was sitting in the kitchen one day and heard this noise and when I asked what it was - I was taken to the basement to see the cockeral in this big cage - oh my, hurts to remember - I could hardly bear to go in there thinking of this cockerel I am so pleased now as his daughter has relocated very carefully checking out location etc. to the country. As for the chickens they are in hatches along with a quail - I guess they have enough room but are not running the garden and I feel they should be in the country. He is away with the fairies - brought up in the country and I guess thinks he is still there.
    You mention not working a full time job - I have gone part time when I was working and may as well have been working full time as the employer always gets as much as he can out of you - this is a quite well known fact here and some jobs it is not possible to do by the clock. Hope you are well. I so like your happy face.

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