    are u helpful

    yes i am


    0  Views: 867 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    Every now and again. I don't want to be TOO helpful, TOO often. Then, people will start to rely on me....can't have that.       lol

    The volunteer members of akaQA are very helpful.


    I’m helpful to a point. I don’t abide laziness……..


    Whoa! The word you used reminded me of my mother. (In a good way.) She couldn't "abide" my messy bathroom counter. Now I'm all grown up and guess what ... I can't 'abide' my messy bathroom counter...on anyone else's!

    I am often helped. Sometimes it's a matter of support or companionship. Sometimes it's for a laugh. Sometimes I can get information on how to cook a cabbage. (ask jhharlan about that one) Other times I try to help. akaQA is a good place to be. It's a good place to learn.

    I try to be although sometimes I am helpful as a sore thumb.

    Yes I am helpful. I am going over to an old lady's apt today to help her. She said her nails need cutting. I cut her fingernails and sometimes toenails from time to time, b/c she lost the dexterity in her hands. I picked up her meds from the drugstore last week. I have set up her meds for the whole week when her neighbor can't make it over there.

    I have picked up people who don't have a car. I have loaned out small amts of money.


    Jeez I wish you would come & cut my toenails.I hate doing it.

    I found that loaning money has to go...$5.00 once, again when you need it if the $5.00 is paid back before you need it again. $10.00 with colateral...something that can be held in my possession and belongs to me if un-paid for 30 days. Printed on a card for me and the person asking for the loan with dates, conditions and signed agreement lilines. Upright and up-tight as a legal pawn shop. It is tough love and reliable. If it's riskey I don't loan but take them to a Pawn shop to cut their deal. Pawn shops border the law sometimes so, be sure they're righteous.

    ok,Tommy......if it's all expences paid. hee hee. I've always wanted to see Australia

    Well we will have to work something out because I have always wanted my toenails cut.LOL

    I think I'm helpful.People bring things here for me to fix.I never charge them anything.It helps to keep me busy.

    I'm helpful if I think a person has a good question, then sometimes I'm a jerk if I think their question is foolish and rude! 'garbage in, garbage out'

    Most of the time.



    welcome back :)

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