10 Answers
Very sad news Mel. We, as humans tend to out live our pets unless they are turtles or parrots. It is never easy. As a pet owner, our heart breaks with every single loss. I worked in the pet industry for the better part of my life, not only have I lost many pets but my customers have as well. Every day is a happier day when one's beloved pet is alive.
I have a great old cat that adopted us by walking through our front door. Our glorious feline is now on her last legs. The girl is grand ... but now exhibiting 'old lady behaviour'. When my husband say's, "I want you to look at this.", I always reply, "Please don't tell me she is dead." Our Lilo Maya Maya does not move from her chair these days. ... It breaks my heart.
Take care.
I would normally add a 'fish of the day'... but your remaining feline/s would only be tempted. I am not exactly sure how large your feline family actually is.
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
MEL, , so sad for you on the death of Oscar, he will never die whilst you have his memories of him, it is really hard, i still get misty when i think of Sabrina; Oscar was not just a cat, but a family member.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Take care of you Mel. Allow yourself to grieve and do not let anyone tell you, "he was just a cat, you do not need to grieve so long or so hard. "
Grieve as you need to. He was one of God's creatures and you loved him and he loved you. It's OK to miss him and OK to cry. Take care of you. xx
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Every morning I look at my old cat, Peeve. She seems to look pale and I know that sound odd. I'm always afraid she died in her sleep. I'd be heartbroken. She will go in this years, I think. She's old.
I think of taking in a rescue cat but I know how dangerous wild cats can be. One almost put me in the hospital. I was reading the paper on the floor and she attacked my arm with her arms and legs and claws. She was heavy and I went into shock. Maybe rescue cats aren't for me.
Mel ... Would you like to try that. I know your heart is heavy and I'm trying to think of a way to make you happy but the thing is ... you just won't be happy now. Now you grieve. Sorry. So sorry.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
You love Oscar. He was a good cat and I'm glad you had a chance to meet him and love him. He was happy and lucky to have you. We learn from our cats. Don't we. Be well, Mel. It will be a lucky cat that finds you, dear lady!