7 Answers
Many years ago, when I was in my late 20's, there was a woman who worked in a bank and people would talk to me as though I were her. They would say things such as, "Oh, we meet again". When I would look at them with a puzzled look they would say, "You just waited on me today". One man insisted that I was "pulling his leg" when I told him he had me confused with someone else. He laughed and said, "I'm pretty sure you must remember the very large deposit that you counted out today". When I explained that I didn't work in a bank he said, "If you're telling me the truth, you have an identical twin who does. Do you"?
At that point, after a few months of this happening, I went to that bank and sure enough. I could pick her out of the teller line-up. I never did get a chance to speak with her.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

During the 1980's I was told by several people that I look like Linda Ronstadt and Valerie Bertinelli.
Maybe I look/looked a little like both of them.
(Minus the pointy chin)
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

Tom Cruise,Tom Selleck,Ben Affleck,Matt Damon The list is endless.Hahaha!
Unless of course you mean my twin brother.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |