2 Answers
I don't understand the signifigant hidden meaning behind the quesiton. Sorry.Could you enlighten us ?
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Robertgrist - of course I would along with many others - mycatsmom is correct Hades is not a place for penal correction - but the question of course requires consideration - Of course Hades view things/life like this - they feel what they are doing is right - coming from their morality - not sure if I have this right myself - I am trying here. Which begs the question "Do Australians feel it right the racist way the indigenous people are treated- i.e the aboriginal peoples -?" I saw the most horrendous program reported by Journalist John Piliger an Australian himself and very eminent - titled UTOPIA would you believe- I am finding it so hard to remove this from my mind and get my head round this program. It is a form of apartheid - not so well known - like a hidden society - extremely disturbing that one of the most wealthy country in the world can behave towards their forefathers as they do - something I am so cross with myself for as I never knew this - I wish how I knew how to contribute to their welfare. I cried so much having seen this programme. You will understand me Robertgrist.
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |