    If someone gave you a gift of cash that was way beyond your usual bank deposit, what would you do with the cash?

    Some authority might come and ask you "Where did you get that money?" It could be that the giver did not want to be known to have that much extra cash. Some authority might come and ask him "Where did you get that cash?"   Sugar bowl? 

    +6  Views: 1465 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    12 Answers

    Build a gas firing kiln.  Expand my studio.  Build a spray booth.  Buy a slab roller.

    Zee Moola would be gone in the flashiest of flashes. ... Oh, it's less than $10,000 ... dang!  I would spend it on clay.


    Have yourself a glorious one!


    I thought you wrote spend it on the day. That's what I wish I could do.

    True Artiste!!! ;D

    In the UK if you try to deposit anything over £3000 you have to declare where it came from, SOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!



    Thank you, ROMOS. Lovely box. I would like a biscuit with butter. Pass it over. : )

    I wonder how much you can deposit in the U.S?

    If you make a deposit that exceeds $10,000 your bank is required to report the deposit to the IRS. As long as you have a legitimate reason for a large deposit, you should not have any problems with your bank or the IRS. If you had several deposits of less than $10,000 each they should not be reported to the IRS.

    Unfortunately, the amount is considerably less. : (
    I just wanted to say here that my friend is really impressed with akaQA.
    I have always liked it too. : ) THANK YOU, ROMOS ...and julie and Ben and Ducky.
    I was thinking of telling my friend to safety pin all of it inside her long flowered skirt but I wasn't sure a safety pin could go through a bill. It would be a very strange way to spend the day. And besides that holes in bills could make them null and void.

    I pull all my money out of the bank anyhow, it’s just a delivery place for direct deposit. I would pocket the cash and spend at will……….


    ...and if it was a million?

    I was joking about a million. : )
    Oh, bless these little smily faces.

    jh, don't you save any ?

    Don’t have enough to save…….

    I would call a financial advisor and then take my time in making a decision. I am cautious with money and would never think of going on a wild spending spree.


    I am sure she is not the type to spend wildly.

    Many people are not the type to do that until....they are handed a load of money! Then, things may change.

    When my mom was 86, she sold her house and took the money right over to her financial advisor.(She was still driving then.) The economy was good then.That was in the 90s.Then , she moved to a retirement home and lived off the investments and soc sec.

    I still haven't seen the promised 150 karmas deposited in my account.

    Well, they SHOULD be there by now. Check again!

    Acupulco here I come.:)""


    I would buy aKaQA, and make myself the top Moderator,


    Oh can I be your butler , I can do you rang ma lord , I'll keep practicing in the mean time. you rang ma lord you rang ma lord you rang ma lord.


    An ordenary Sir would do sunny,

    Sir Dennis there has been one of those before I think.

    Oh yea in that t/v series,forget thier names,Guv will do as you are in the building game,

    Hilarious :D

    Oh rang ma lord? High Tea then? (High Tea means a whole 'nother thing in the Canadas lads...LOL)....where did we put Wills? Wills? (whistles) Oh Willsy...time for high lord? Oh where did that dawg get to...oh me! ;D

    I attended High Tea at Nordstrums in San Francisco at Christmas time. The 2 1/2 year old who went with us spent the tea time walking under the table looking at legs. She startled several people. (I think you would have to have been there. It was pretty funny) We had tiny water cress sandwiches and a variety of tea. I chose the wrong kind of tea and my friend wanted me to change my order.
    It was truly snobby experience and I do not intend to ever attend high tea again. It was ridiculously expensive. We could have had a steak for what we paid. (I don't eat steak but you know what I mean)

    Green paper slips look remarkably nice when used as wall paper, artfully arranged. I did a bathroom in currency , Wish I had kept the photo. A friend bought a million dollars in shredded currency from the US Mint for $10.00 and used it as packing for Christmas gifts.  Not all money is like US dollars. Other countries have their own currency and often it is quite colorful. I would like to see more currency from other countries being used here in the US for purchasing foreign imports here and decoration of course….some colorful paper has such a low value here that its use in decor would be quite reasonable, considering the cost.   


    When Canadians go on vacation to United States, we have to make sure that we convert our "colorful money" to American dollars, as most places refuse our money. They don't know what it is...sometimes as close as 30 miles from the Canadian border....sometimes when it has been worth 4 cents MORE on the dollar. :(

    That's pretty funny, robert. When the gift was first passed over to "my friend" it was a big stack. Whoa. I have a lot of framed stuff on my walls and I thought a few more frames with the bills artfully arranged would make a lovely conversation piece.

    no wonder the U.S. is broke...if they are shredding currency.

    MCM the shredded money is old, worn-out paper etc. If it’s crispy, its probably a misprint. I’m not sure if the mint is still selling shredded cash or not presently.

    I would have a good spend up, before it's too late.


    Make my Maserati gun metal grey please...LOL!

    I would put some in one savings acct in one bank. And the rest of it in another sav acct in another bank. and some in a ck acct in the 2nd bank. Along the way , I'd keep out some for spending.


    Our accountant said "stocks" So that is what we did. He's been right with his decisions through the years. We do not worry. It's in the hands of Dan, the man. : )
    A few days later:
    I take that totally back. I worry.

    Buy the motorcycle, give a small amount to each son, invest balance in something California and federally tax free, with cash dividends received monthly.

    Oh, there are a few charitable donations to make.


    Give a small amount of the motorcycle to each son? How many sons? It may prove to be a better solution than giving it to the stocks and bonds guy.
    We should have chosen ROMOS' biscuit box.
    Bob/PKB I get the whole bike. A bit of cash for each son, but with the screwball choices they make for partners, it will be extremely small. My cat just climbed on my chest, and is blocking the!

    itsmee..i would ask a lot of questions...when you take money for nothing,, somebody generally  wants it back


    The other way to say this is: "There's no such thing as a free lunch."
    terryfossil: Yes, I've thought of this. It's "safely" in stocks and a nagging bill is paid off. In reality the amount was rather small (to the most of you)
    For us ...
    I'm trying to think of the rock song that has lyrics "your money for nothing and your checks (or chicks) for free" It's Dire Straits ... Name That Tune!

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