    How can we get more people to come and ask questions? You don't have to spell right or anything.

    +7  Views: 1151 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    I hope it’s just a phase.  But I wouldn’t know AKAQA existed if it hadn’t appeared one day and I was curious.  Advertise!

    Seems they are drying up, I hope the owners are paying attention.

    I can normally read through the bad spelling.


    I think those with bad spelling need to be adresssed Ted,

    I understand Dougal.....really I do!

    My brother has a Ph.D. and his spelling is atrocious. Let's not bash people who can't spell or punctuate. I'd be out of here quickly if punctuation counted.
    Let's make it a comfortable place for people.

    akaQA's Alexa ranking took another significant dump. 'Sinking like a lead balloon' as they say.

    One lead balloon tied to an elephant and a baboon in the sunny month of June under the blue moon.

    This is gloomy October, can we all stay sober?
    We'll try to keep it going, but if no one is showing, what can we do, visit the zoo?

    Romos, you Panda nut, you . lol.

    they don't check their typos

    Who doesn't check the typos mcm? The Alexa Rating people? .... akaQa has dumped approximately 25% in a little over three weeks... over 12% this past week alone. This site was once in the top 50,000 in USA and now it is sitting at the 60,000 mark. How long do you think that the owners are going to keep something afloat if they can't make revenue? ... not long. Think about how many regular members are MIA and how new members just are not joining. Have you thought about why the advertisements are becoming trashy again?

    What's alexa rating?

    A company that rates all of the websites on the internet.

    I tell people about the website and invite them to visit. Like JHH, it just kept appearing on my computer, and curiosity got the better of me.  
    There are so many Q&A sites with different formats, and people ARE learning to seek answers to their questions without asking for help.  


    I like akaQA because I can ask my "secret" questions and the gossip lady next door won't go blabbing around. It's fun to play here and joke around. Other times questions can be answered that could almost save our lives, our jobs, or our sanity ... (See my question about strobe lights)

    I'm on it, itsmee!

    I miss the ealy years of Aka, circa 2011 when there was tomfoolary and debates, as Colleen has told us numerous times, Aka is a Q & A not a chat forum, neverless, 'Those were the day's, my Friend - - - - - - - - - - - ' . :)       and yes, AKA  popped up on my browser one night and curiosity got the better of me and i was hooked


    I was here at the inception.

    I said it is a help forum first. Members have always been allowed to socialize and chat. What is not allowed is listed on the rules page. They are the same basic rules you find on any other similar forum on the internet that allows the members to socialize. Some help forums do not allow for chatting.

    bulletman 'those were the days my friend ....
    "I thought they'd never end."
    And they won't!

    I was one of the very first too, Juliet.

    When they had that green button on the top of your tool bar that said,  AKA  , a lot of people punched it to see what would happen.that's how I got introduced to aqaAQ  .That's when we had a lot of people here roaming around. If they'd bring that back, we'd be booming again.


    That's exactly how I started MCM

    Me too.

    Me, Three.

    There are still plenty of questions on akaQA, but they're usaully about how to fix my car,or my truck, or my internet service, or my computer ,or my airline tickets....or how to play some electronic game that we never heard of.

    If AKA does cease to exist it will be sad.The sun will still rise the next day for me but something will be missing.I just hope we all get the chance to say goodbye.


    akaQA will go on. It is not going to shut down. Do not worry about these questions when they pop up. The owners are not concerned, neither should anyone here be.

    Thank you for the re-assurance Colleen.I wasn't about to abandon the ship.:)

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