    What would your perfect age be and why?

    +7  Views: 1209 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    The age I am now, every day I wake up on this side of the turf is good enough for me.

    country bumpkin


    You age very well....(*~*)

    I know ;)
    country bumpkin

    How do I KNOW you would say this?

    country bumpkin

    ESP? Egotistical Scottish Person! (*~*)

    IOUTU and one for CB's comment!


    Because at 30 we are perfect...and then....gravity strikes...oh gravity...



    Yup, 30 is the perfect age. I really enjoyed being 30.

    Me too honey...I had a blast being 30...the perfect age. (sniffle) ;)

    you two girls are still relatively young.So, enjoy it !

    I'm 52. That's no longer relatively young.

    Relatively invisible here at 54 and counting!!!
    54 is the new 17...almost...but with a tad of dad used to pronounce wisdom as 'we's dumb'! ;D


    33  was a great age for me.


    IOUTU I enjoyed my best health and appearance that year. Good times, too. :D
    country bumpkin

    Yep. I felt as though I had some good experience under my belt, not so young and naive. I was in my prime.

    Those were the days.

    With everything behind me and the knowledge I've gained, I like the age I am right now........


    IOUTU Your new photo is good, but how about one without the glasses, so your eyes show!

    You and itsmee both want to see my eyes....Why do you think I wear glasses?
    Bob/PKB you can see better, of course. :D

    When I get new glasses I’m going to photograph me for akaQA page. I want Red or Purple glasses.

    Looking back on my life, 33 was a good year for me, too, like Country Bumpkin.  My job was enjoyable, my social life was busy, and I was pretty good at bowling and softball.   I didn't have my children yet, but other than that, it was the best. 


    Wow, you had babies late or kind of late. My mom always said she was too old to have my baby brother.........

    Yeah, the first was 3 months before I turned 35; the second was two months before I turned 36, and the third was 3 months after I turned 38. I was definitely one of the older moms, but my kids actually had classmates whose parents were MY classmates. Felt a little better knowing I wasn't the only fossil.

    You can still put a good ball down Bob,

    I know you are counting on me, sweetie, so I always do my best. :)

    My mom had her first baby at 34 and her second at 37 .One of her cousins had 5 children all when she was over 30 . they were all healthy and turned out grandma had her first adn only baby at 43. Six months later, her husband died :-(

    I want to be all ages. I want to live twice. Sometimes writers write because they want to live twice. I sure do understand why they do that ... I think about it ... but no.. no ... no.  What would be your perfect age?


    A little younger then i am now, So that i could play hop scotch again,

    Imagine being stuck in time at one age. So much to miss getting older...prostate problems for men, colonoscopies, blood pressure and cholesterol meds....

    Yes. I would like to live twice, if I could go thru it the 2nd time knowing what I know now.Then, I could breeze thru it.

    so true M/M,so much to be able to put right,

    Sadly, we would just make different mistakes, because we would have different circumstances. You might end up an indigent peddler in a third world country; all you previous life's knowledge wouldn't come in super-handy (some, of course...)

    18... life's just starting out..they say life begins at 40 not so life begins the day you realize how precious life really is  !1 to me it was 18...


    Yes, the day I graduated from high school & the next day got married -- one busy week!! : )
    I like my other answer too.

    IOUTU You got a BIG head start on most guys! What triggered the realization, if I may ask...

    @ Bobby i lost one of my best friends at such a young age,over something really stupid , it made me realize get busy living...

    A lot of guys would just get crazier and never see 40. It's sad to lose a good friend just at the threshold of adulthood and all the good times to be had. I'm glad you found a good direction for yourself.

    they say life begins when the last child leaves home, and the dog dies.

    I was desperately in love and I wanted to be with my man. Always. Apparently, he felt the same way. " No love affair ends happily.” Sometimes I think about that. : ( <--sad, sad face

    to long did that early marriage last ? .....or are you still married to him ?

    Still together ~42 years ~ When you get this far along you know that one of you will be leaving this planet in a fairly short time. That is why I say “No love affair ends happily.” And in some ways I think that being alone might be some better. Don’t know. Never mind me.

    I see what you mean by no love affair ending happily, because someone is left alone. In my case, the "love" went somewhere else to flourish. I would have no bitterness if he had died along with the love. I will survive single, but wonder how it might have been to have a companion to sharethe grandchildren and retirement activities there wwasn't time for when the kids were young and working was necessary to provide for them. Fortunately, I am not adverse to doing stuff solo. Dance classes aren't as much fun as they'd be with a partner, though. You all who are happy in your relationships are blessed, whether you believe in blessings or not. Take good care of each other.

    I hear ya. He’s a pretty good guy. But ... in some way & some day one of us will have a long face. : ) <-- me smiling for now.

    Some people say " A good marriage is finding the right person"...bull#$%^ it's also being the right person...

    True, Daren. So very true. I always try to be the right person.

    @daren...and two wrongs don't make a right

    Better too be wrong than have no input at all...

    I meant two people who just don't belong together being together. We both had plenty of input in my marriage, just never compromised successfully.

    The ancient Romans believed a man should go out in a blaze of glory when he was 30.So obviously they believed that the perfect age was sometime before that.But I dunno.I have had a lot of good life since then.I would say about 40.By then I had enough experience behind me in all sorts of things to be able to make some good decisions but still young enough (& fit enough) to enjoy the things I most liked to do.Having said all that,the age I am at now (65) is pretty good.I have time to reflect on the rest of my life & I have a whole lotta good memories.Some bad ones tooo but you hafta take the bad with the good.


    Tommy, The average age at death of a man in the Roman days was 30---40. That's not b/c of war. That's b/c of infection. There were no antibiotics or vaccines.

    Yes.I realise that ant-biotics were not invented until at least several years after the Roman period but they actually did believe that a heroic death in battle was better than a death in old age.:)

    Tommy, I'm not disputing that they thought that.

    It seems to me you are making good memories every day. You're always a positive person and I look forward to your answers and comments. Thank you for being here and being you.

    jeez!! Now I'm blushing Bob.Thank you my dear!

    :) Don't change!

     13 because that's when all my problems started. If I could do Jr. High and High School all over again, knowing now what I didn't know then, I might actually enjoy my teen years. And I'd like to redo my 20s.


    Why would you redo your twenties?

    b/c if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have wasted my child bearing years on a sociopath who asked me to marry him twice and backed out both times ! The 2nd time, I thought b/c we had been broke up, he then realized that he could't live without me and really wanted to marry me. Alas, he backed out again b/c it was a lie that he wanted to get married and have kids. Now,he's 67 or 68 and has never been married.He's always lived in his mother's house. She finally died.

    You still have a few good years left, MCM. Stop regretting the past and live live live! You just don't know what tomorrow will bring.

    T Y , Fishy. Your encouragement helps me :-)

    mcm~You are coming right along. You will be in a relationship within 6 months. Believe me. You’re still carrying some of the stuff from that dam sociopath. Now is the time for you to stomp it down. Get rid of the bad feelings.
    Bloom Pretty Lady!

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