    A friend just asked me: “What do you think the average person is most curious about in the case of Ariel Castro and his captives?

    crime, criminal psychology, evil, 

    +2  Views: 875 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    I want to know how the woman are now? Are they receiving counseling?  Free? 


    I did hear one of them speak and she said "yes" re: counselling.

    I'd like to hear their stories, I'm a nosey freak.......

    Too gruesome for me. Makes me feel sad.

    One of the girls, Amanda Berry, went to a rap group named Nelly the other day. (Their music was popular the year she was born) Her male friend (the announcers said he was a friend from highschool) He seemed in “love” with her as he kept rubbing her. She looked happy.
    Another girl made a public statement to her neighbors. Apparently they built a 6-7 foot fence around her house. This girl is very short=maybe 4 feet?
    I’m interested in how they heal... or rather if they heal.

    I am only interested in my wishes for the women and child to live healthy happy and successful lives on their own terms.  I hope all four of them never experience one more horrible day.... minute, for that matter.  I hope they are all surrounded by love and support.


    IOUTU! :)


    I'm not curious at all. I've heard enough of the gory details and now he's going to prison for life, as he deserves.

    I really can't talk about that guy too much,for when I do my blood starts to boil.As some of you know this has happened in my city and I'm heart broken.I will tell you this,the house of pain is just blocks from my own home and it will be taken down very soon.Ducky,he deserves death on our pubic square,not prison."J",the girls are doing well and being very well taken care of.Gina the last girl taken lives two streets from me,the 1st girl taken is staying with Gina and her folks.We care very much about our people here,seems like we've been on a bad run here of late,you guys heard that story,but man we got a million of them.A few years back we had a man that was able to kill and bury 11 women in his back yard,got away with it for years,last month they got a guy who says he was copy cating this guy that kill 11,they caught this new guy after three women killed,(a cable guy smelled the bodies).

    Agree CR...prison may be way too good for him. I heard some of his "excuses" today. Pathetic isn't he? There must be an oppressive feeling in your neighborhood. :(

    For once I disagree with you Rick.Death is too quick & painless for him. With any sort of luck they will put him in a cell with Big Bubba & then he can see what it's like to be someones captive "Bitch".

    I think he deserves death. i agree with Tommy on this. I hope Castro is put in a cell with guys that don’t like men who torture. I’m sorry the house is near you. When the house is taken down, I think everyone will feel better.
    There was a case like this in my town. I could never go by the house but it was torn down and I’ve heard there is a nice park there. Terrible.
    Well, it’s good to see you. Keep in touch. : )

    Yes, you have made a good point Tommy. He would suffer as he made those girls suffer but only if he was with other inmates. He might end up in a separate cell. The whole thing is just too awful to think about. :(

    At least it's not Detroit for once that is getting the bad rap.

    another John Wayne Gacey

    Tommyh,as Ducky has hit it on the nail head,he can work it so he will come into contact with very few inmates,all you have to do is ask for protection.If I were him,I would fear the guards,but then again what guard is going to want to end up on the other side of the bars,they don't fair to well inside.Let's face it,he will get more than what he should get.Seeing that they are not going to kill him,let me give you my view on what they should do with him.Let him be alone,that alone will drive you nuts,no TV,no gym,NO mail,no dam desert on your food tray,no visits(even tho you just know someone is going to write him wanting to marry him).Not only did he hold those three girls captive,he held three families and all of Cleveland captive as well for 10 and 12 years,we never stopped looking for those girls.One of the girls mother died never knowing.Another one was kicked out of home,that's why she was out on the streets when she was taken,she was the 1st,she was the one who spoke in court(easy pray as you can see),and the last one taken is the worst,she was 14 years old and he knew her family,he helped look for her for god's sake...So I say OFF with his head in pubic square for all to see.So Tommyh,you just take that disagree right off my record,and a few other things off my record if you could :)

    Thanks for your insight Rick.

    I hope he lives the extra 1000 years they gave him behind bars.

    I don't know about the average person, but I find it fascinating that his brothers didn't know what was going on.  ""


    Isn’t that something, Clonge. Wow, his own brothers didn’t believe the girls and the child were in Castro’s house. Shocking that he didn’t know!

    wrong Castro, clonge. LOL

    Meow: Fidel and Raul? Maybe not. would you admit to being Ariel's kin? lol!

    I think it is quite strange that a person in our present culture would revert culturally to the behavioral patterns of antiquity to derive a sense of fulfillment in the present. But then there is the fact that culturally retarded people are more often jailed for their errant behavior, thus denying them the opportunity to advance culturally in any other sense.   

    We are the most curious about why they didn't try to break free earlier than this. They had 10 yrs. to do it .Why didn't Castro's son try to free them.? Is he a sociopath too ?  Why didn't the police use dogs to find them ? They were prob classified as runaways, so the police forgot all about them.


    These girls were not classified as runaways.His son nor anyone else had any ideal what he was up too.Dogs?Really?And no the police did not forget about them,just one that slipped though the cracks.Here's one that all of you may not have heard about this story,we had a cop in this city for over 30 years that we nicknamed "super cop",this guy had shot more bad guys than any other policeman ever has,catch bank robber's like it was nothing,and on the other hand would be the 1st to jump in a river in the heart of winter to save a life.This cop would rarely let you get away with anything,well they showed on TV here where this super cop had this Castro pulled over once in a gas station (all caught on the dash cam)for having the wrong plates on his motorcycle,and when Castro him he had two motorcycles and he just got the plates mixed up and he added on that he was a Cleveland school bus driver,the cop let him go without so much as a ticket and let him drive the bike away at that.Guy must have had a good talk to fool people like he did.

    mcm ... I think there is much that we don’t know. I was surprised to see the one girl up on the stage with Nelly, the rapper. She seemed in good spirits and her boyfriend was cuddling her like she was a stuffed bunny.

    Like most sociopaths, Castro must have been able to charm people into thinking he was a great guy .

    How does this happen and how can we prevent it. 


    No way can anyone answer that question.

    Very true, but I'm trying to steer away from morbid curiosity. :(

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