    There are 500,000 people in our town. There are maybe 4,000 people who live homeless. The city is in the process of breaking up their “camp grounds” How do you think that will effect those of us who have homes?

    homelessness, poverty, crime, police, etc.

    0  Views: 802 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    I can't see how it will effect you at all Itsmee.Just what do they expect these homeless folks to do when they break uo their camps? They have to live somewhere.Don't they?


    They do need to live somewhere. We have friends who have moved their ammo, family, and food that will last for centuries up to the woods in their remote, beautiful cabin. I didn’t think too much of it until I read the news.
    I’m kinda scared. Sure. The homeless need homes. I want to move to OZ and I’m not making that up. I won’t and can’t but I want to.

    The city says they are going to replace their mattresses and things that have gone to the trash. I don’t think they will. The police can’t get into the encampments to take care of the problem. Fortunately, they are a long long ways from us ... but not far enough.

    itsmee, what are your thoughts about the homeless population in Fresno? Should their encampments be raided and destroyed? Should their stuff be taken from them? How much crime is coming from the homeless "villages"? How close to you is the nearest corner beggar or homeless village? Walking the dog, I had a conversation with a lady who lives less than one mile away. The house next door to her is for sale, and every night, the dog on the OTHER side of the vacant house would bark at about dark. The realtor finally came by one day and found a homeless person had been sneaking in every night. No breaking into others' homes, just taking refuge in the empty home, in a nice neighborhood. I found the same situation in a lovely home right across the street from Sunnyside Country Club. I can't keep my trash and recycling bins outside my yard because of people rummaging through them. Can you?

    I have been homeless when I was a teenager.  I still went to school and worked, I just didn't have a roof over my head or anyone who cared.  No one knew, not one single 'friend'. 


    People don't understand unless you walk that path.




    There are two writers on this little page who have lived homeless. You two (or three) have stories to tell.

    It is not as if everyone wants to tell the story... Sugar coated lives don't exist around this planed and all of us have a story to tell.

    Leave them alone as long as they have "clean" camps and aren't bothering anybody. I was homeless for two years and no one knew it for sure. Behavior is the secret........


    I guess our camps have become a place where drugs are sold and other criminal activities take place. It’s a shame. Apparently the criminals don’t even live in the camps. They just go there to cause problems for the people who do live there.
    How was your experience at living homeless? I knew a woman who wrote a book about her experiences. She got kinda rich!

    I have stories to tell. Made a lot of animal friends and lived next to a graveyard, ghost stories, too. The roughest part was trying to keep my insulin cool....

    Most people would have no concept of being homeless.I'm glad you made it thru Julie.It would take guts & determination.Good on you!

    I'm blushing, @Tommh..............

    Julie, I like what our Tommy said. I say the same thing to you. : ) Did you use needles for your insulin?

    The politicians and community leaders are always telling us,on TV, not to give the street people money. They say “Give it to us. We’ll build them an apartment.” That makes me sooo mad when they say that. What are they supposed to do - wait a couple of years to get the $$ for a hamburger and a cup of coffee.

    Yes, I've used needles for 37 years now.......

    I knew an elderly woman who lived in a VW with her good dad. She told me some of the tips and tricks of how to exist. I don’t know the name of the book and I doubt that it’s on the market. She painted the inside of her cupboards purple and had a vase of flowers in every room of her home. She appreciated the beauty that a home can be after living without one.

    I live in the same town as itsmee, and I'm sure the "problem" is much worse elsewhere, but it IS a problem when people don't have a safe place to call home.  Some of the misfortune is due to circumstances beyond one's control, and, with others, it is a conscious choice. 
    There ARE a few places where homeless people can get a meal and place to sleep, but not enough.  Personally, I don't give money to people asking for help.  If you are hungry, I will bring you a meal.  That is putting a stipulation on my gift, but I've watched people take money I've given them and hand it over to somebody 50 yards away who, in turn, hands them a little plastic bag.  That made me distrustful and cynical of giving money.

    When I worked at the courthouse park downtown, there was (and still is) a huge group of people who set up camp every morning and monopolized a beautiful park with shopping carts filled with plastic bottles and aluminum cans,  and slept on benches 4 people could have sat upon during a break.   
    Many people are discreet and self-sufficient, and I have the utmost respect for them and how they are handling their situation.  There is also help available for those who take the time to seek out the resources.  What I don't appreciate are those who stand on the same street corner day after day with cardboard signs and expect passers by to fund their lives.

    Take the Fresno Street entrance to 99N sometime, and you'll find a huge encampment right across the street from a neighborhood.  Now, picture yourself in that neighborhood.  What you don't see doesn't bother you.  Go for a walk and check out empty houses. (every neighborhood has them) ..more often than not, there's a homeless person sneaking in at night.  

    As for building accommodations,  I don't know where the saying came from, but, "If you build them, they will come" may have a ring of truth.  Migrate to Fresno if you have no home or income source; they'll give you a place to live.   I'd rather be known as the city that has jobs and opportunities for people to support themselves.  That is a tough act to perform anywhere in this miserable state, and especially Fresno. 

    As for the current encampments, if the folks are trespassing, it's not OK.   I know it sounds hard and cold, but let me ask....who among you is ok with opening your back yard to a group of people you don't know and allowing them to live there, coming and going as needed? 

    Do I have a better solution?  Yes, but that's for another question some other time.


    They will move on.   Funny---> A few years ago in San Francisco they opened city shelters for the homeless, they still stayed on the streets.  News team interviewed a few of them, they all said about the same thing. "Are you kidding?? Me stay in that nasty place? It's full of diseases, dirt, filth, it's dangerous being with all those loons in one building, I prefer the street."


    Some rough, unbathed men would hate staying in a shelter. I guess.

    I can’t imagine women staying safe on the street ... or kids! Or small men, Or old people. The guys that were interviewed did that group of people injustice.

    And women!!!!!

    Women were interviewed?

    There's nothing in my comment about men or women homeless. Homelessness is not gender based. There are just as many women on the streets homeless as men. Sad thing is that regardless of men or women, there are many on the streets. Especially San Francisco, that city is a haven for them and they are a big problem with attacking tourist, the filth they leave on the streets, the constant begging. They will walk right into a restaurant and to your table and ask for a handout.

    Homelessness increases 5% per year. Looks like the problem isn’t going away without some sort of miracle fix. Detroit going bankrupt and their efforts to shape-up  by demolishing vacant buildings sounds Orwellian to me. The dumps are all closed so that you can’t go for junk to keep your camp fire lit or pick-up someones old-but-working-maybe appliances. Our middle class has been destroyed by an obviously concerted effort by politicians and  industrial leaders who axed our working systems of American middle-class support. Our jobs have been eliminated by planned obsolessence in industry, shifting employment opportunities to increase homelessness and increasing our reliance on cheaper factory labor in other countries that treat workers with less dignity than dogs. We have ways to completely eliminate our need for any fuel system for energy and heat. Our government would not ever release that technical secret from it’s vast guarded warehouses of endless possibilities without many more years and perhaps centuries of our on-going cultural nightmare in scarcity and hopelessness, under the oppression of secret pride.  So hail, hail the gloom is here….and you thought it was global warming. 


    Why is it bad to demolish vacant buildings? Why does it sound Orwellian?
    Your post was more than interesting. That last sentence. Wow!
    Stockton, CA is bankrupt now. That town is a close neighbor - maybe three hours. I’d almost be afraid to drive through that town - the town of my birth.
    “The times they are a-changin’ “ Dylan got that right.

    Vacant buildings have no value to banks, they are liabilities and reduce banking profits. Banks profit from loaning money to develop property thus increasing the property value. Governments profits more from developing property more than from older structures. So both banks and government profit more from destroying old/ vacant buildings. Banks profit by lower taxes on empty land. Government profits from tax increases on new construction. Banks profit from loans to develop empty property.
    The poor and homeless do not benefit from this because vacant buildings are a resource to the poor that if unrestricted would provide a palace to reside freely or very cheaply, Low cost or no cost materials to burn for heat, to improve their decrepit living conditions by stripping out materials for use in their own homes, and as space to grow gardens and raise livestock as the poor do in some communities. The poor in many communities are able to do work that is no longer available because “progress” has made their work unnecessary, wasteful, unprofitable and thus un-taxable. Neither banks or government benefits from this in any other way than progress in construction. "Orwellian" is an adjective describing the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It connotes an attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson" — a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments. Anyone living a life where they cannot talk about their accomplishments or benefit from their own work are in George Orwell’s world.

    I’m reading at your post. I think you’re a pretty smart man. There’s so much I don’t know and the internet and some of the people I meet here
    bring information that I wouldn’t otherwise think about. Thank you. My next research: George Orwell.

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