    why life so cruel?

    people die in this world.nothing comes sweet.accidents always happen in reality.Many people had sacrificed in war and many innocent children had to die with their family.Landslides,tsunami,tornado had sweep and crush so many victims,causes them lost their love ones.Diseases spread throughout one country to another.People were suffered to death. People pray to God for blesses and protection,eventually they were killed by bombardment and stubbornly choose to stay at the land of God,defend their God.People pray to God to ask for prosperity,eventually all of these became pointless.Decent of God we wouldn't know.How the God exist we can never think about it.Somewhat,there're too many God in this world.Muslim says Allah is the only one in this world.This is totally untrue which means the "writer"is (swearing is not allowed on akaQA) .Now muslims are still fighting against each other.Terrorists or poor people wish their country to have better quality of life rather being controlled by overpowered regime/filthy government.Examples,Taliban,Syria,Afghanistan,North Korea.If the name of God is a hypocrite or (swearing is not allowed on akaQA) ,where do we go after life?What are we?Or are we naturally formed by the universe/by gas,elements or some kind of weird energy?Life is so mysterious and scary.Poor beheaded men and women.Poor children who were bombed by an unknown strike.Evil policemen with squads were forced to fire at unarmed civilians.Do you still believe in God?What you living now is filled with confusions,God does nothing,people still rely on God,believed that they will be safe all over the time or maybe forever.Now is 21 century,world with advanced technology,modern lifestyle with scientific proves.What say you?God is real?

    +1  Views: 749 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

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    8 Answers

    Of course, I believe in God. I have tremendous faith in God, that His plan for us is completely good.  Even "acts of God" are for a purpose, and just because I don't get it doesn't mean.......
    I have 3 sons, and they have had some big problems. Does that mean GOD gave them their problems and planned for their consequences or THEIR OWN FREE WILL AND CHOICES gave them their problems. 

    I have NO FAITH in MAN.  


    PKB, my friend's grandson just went back into prison for blowing parole AGAIN ! He was growing marijuana. I don't know how his P.O. learned that.He just got out of prison back in April after 5 years. He was in for the last two years for blowing parole.

    Some of us are just slower to learn, and some of us never learn. It is heartbreaking. My cousin married a guy fresh out of prison (bank robbery). He got drunk one night about 6 months later, and went straight downhill. Went to Washington state, robbed a bank, and called the police to come and get him after he got back to his motel. He's in prison for another 15 years, witness protection program on top of that. Very sad.

    The French have a saying: The world turns.  I like it. Things happen,  sometimes good, sometimes bad and not in that order. It balances out in the end. Faith in God helps a great deal, the guy knows what he's doing..............


    sh- - - happens

    It is people that make life cruel.


    TU, but out of them for today, PL.

    It's cruel, b/c a lot of people create their own problems And b/c a lot of people move into an area that's known for floods, hurricanes,tsunamis, or  tornados......or they don't move out of it.    Adn it's cruel b/c God gave people free will.So, they do things like..........when Jody Arias stabbed her boyfriend  29 times, adn then shot him in the head.......all in the shower. She must have watched  Psycho.


    Jody just did her job as an assassin and apparently has no plans for her own body having dune her job.

    I serve God, so I don’t have to ask “why". It is easy to forget who you are and where you are by dwelling on fearful things. God is Love, not fear.  


    Robert, Glad you're on the right side of the tracks. PTL.

    The life you descibe is so cruel because of religious zealots & despots who want everybody to think & behave the way they tell them to think & behave so that they can profit from it one way or another.

    I don't really care much about it ^^
    In my world, there is no sadness, no suffering, nor black or white (not as in the race or color...i meant the emotion :/)
    So laugh at your problems, oh be careful when you swear. That's not a good thing in this forum ^O^

    I see something sad? Oh don't worry, rip that off like a weed and turn it into a flower -innocent mentally insane smile-


    Life is not cruel. WE make it so. GOD gave us intellect to make correct choice in life. We abuse taht gift and get into killing, lieing, stealing etc. Natural disasters are predetermined and may be that's the way some people are to die. Dieing of cancer or other illnesses is no different. And by the way Allah and God are the same.

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