9 Answers
It's in leviticus . It says homosexuality is an abomination unto God. And, I think it's Matthew where it says you can telll when the rapture is coming b/c one of the signs is " when men lay with men "
Not my words.So, don't shoot the messenger.
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Referred to in Romans chapter 1 here;
It may take a minute to read but, know that chapter 2 begins with this,
"Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself..."
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
No laws may oppose loving relations. The Bible-thumping-gay-bashers should be looking to their embrace of money grubbing enslavers for a better way out than stupidity and denial of an honorable life-style.
We have free will because that is the will of God. That means we are free to choose for ourselves what we beleive and choose to do. I think God gave us this gift to let us know for ourselves what consequences or benifits there may be for our actions. As soon as human kind learned to read and write, laws and consiquences were shoehorned into place. All of those laws evolved along with us because of our personal free will and that evolution was far from peaceful because everyone of us have free will. Did God post a fire-brand outside destroyed cities to let everyone know what drew that wrathful deed so as to avoid doing that? No, God does not work that way. Error garners un-expectant results and belief in error is just as stifling. The cause and effect relationship Biblically is obviously wrong and over-stated in some cases and understandably right-on in some cases. The fairy tales don't work for anyone.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
*custom |ˈkəstəm|
1 a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time: the old English custom of dancing around the maypole | custom demanded that a person should have gifts for the child.
• [ in sing. ] a thing that one does habitually: it was my custom to nap for an hour every day.
• Law established practice or usage having the force of law or right.
I took your words at face value and in the context to which this question and answer are offered, which is sexual. Teachers and students have "loving relations" which include sex.
You do a pretty good job of bashing yourself.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
WIKIPEDIA offers this:
Passages in the Old Testament book Leviticus that prohibit "lying with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination" and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah have historically been interpreted as condemning homosexual acts, as have several Pauline passages. Other interpreters maintain that these passages do not condemn homosexuality, saying that historical context suggests other interpretations or that rare or unusual words in the passages may not be referring to homosexuality.
Still others agree that the Bible's authors condemn homosexuality, but do not take this as moral guidance. This perspective is shared by those who believe that while the Bible is divinely inspired it is a product of ancient cultures and should be examined for deeper truth rather than literal dictates, those who believe continuous revelation or modern experience with ethics or science has obsoleted the Biblical teachings, and those who consider the Bible to be merely literature or legend.
Most people are going to accept what works for them and reject what doesn't. My interpretation of what I've read about homosexuality in the Bible would not be welcome on this site.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
If you are a minister as your name states, you should know this answer. If you are asking this question because you want to preach against homosexuality on this forum, then please take a minute to read the rules here about that, Minister Barbara.
akQA forum rules: http://www.akaqa.com/rules
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |