    what is the different between ict and icts

    what is icts


    0  Views: 641 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Most people would suggest that the two are in fact the same things. ICT is the short name for information and communications technology, or sometimes information and communication technology. ICT is often used as an extended synonym, too, for information technology. This is IT. Usually, however, ICT stressed the role of unified communications as well as the integration of telecommunications (these are telephone lines and wireless signals). It also stresses the roles of audio-visual systems in modern information technology and intelligent building management systems.

    ICT consists of all the technical means that are used to handle information, and of course aid communication. This includes computer and network hardware, necessary software and communication middleware. So essentially, ICT or ICTs consists of broadcast media, telephony, network based control, monitoring functions and audio and video transmission and processing.

    In basic education, however, like middle school and elementary school (or primary school and high school in the UK), ICT may simply mean the working of computers and networks. During later education, however, ICT includes more complicated areas of computer function and otherwise.

    The term ICT was first used only back in 1997, in a report that was created by Dennis Stevenson. The report was for the UK government and was then promoted by National Curriculum documents in the UK during the millennium.

    ICT or ICTs, too, is often used with reference to an 'ICT roadmap'. This indicates the path that organizations will take with their ICT requirements.

    The ICT term is also used now in order to refer to the merging of telephone networks and audio-visual networks with computer networks, though either a link system or single cabling. There are many economic incentives, which include cost savings because of the elimination of a phone network, to merge the building management, audio-visual and telephone network with the computer network system - creating one single unified system of cabling, management and signal distribution.


    Dennis thats what we want,

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