    This is my quest ,no matter how far,

    +7  Views: 1186 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Oh hector, you're impossible!!!


    La la la,

    But not hopeless!

    He is cute and he is green.
    The best darned Hector this world has ever seen!

    your a poet ,and dont know it Fishy,Im deep in thought,and can see inside peoples far away,I see in you someone that is very good with thier hands,and generous to a fault,and giving is your forty,

    Dennis; I see in you a man who never gives up... who believes the mountain truly is a mole hill and follows his dreams no matter how small and coffee mug like they may be.

    "The Impossible Dream" is one of my favorite show tunes.  Your quest is what, though?  
    MY quest is to get all the junk and treasures straightened up around here.  


    Bob/PKB me too so much junk - clean but so cluttered - touch of insanity definately going on here.

    It is overwhelming. I visited a male friend briefly at his home yesterday. It was spotless. Spotless, I tell you.

    Bob/PKB - I so know what you are saying - it has got to a stage where I do not want visitors except people who understand. I remember seeing a programme some years ago about a young lady in her thirties in New York (I wasn't like this then) who could not even invite her Sister. This has happened to me of late - too many problems and it is said that things sometimes replace lost people. There is a programme on at the moment I kid you not which is called the hoarder next door - it is a regualar programme - whereby the person gets help from this lovely psychologist and a team to help clear - which is usually no mean feat due to the person's inability to let go. The programme is just ending and she is all sorted and this lady has just opened the door to family and friends for the first time in six years. She's seems so happy now. Oh my I wish - keep saying when I move I will have a blank canvas and hopefully have less junk. Quite often the people on the programme have empty food cans, all sorts around the house - one guy they got the fireman to check the fire risk and they had to climb over stuff to get in. We are not like this yet. Hope you are well - I am also lazy these days. One consolling thing though my neighbours daughter said my kitchen and bathrooms are scrupulous. She recents the fact that her husband has I would say OCD - they live in a spotless Palace=(and of course has a lady who does) but I know she thinks it to be a show house and not a home she longs for a space of her own. There has to be a happy medium especially when there is another to consider.

    I feel your pain ladies... Yes I do. Today I had a list of things to do but then!... Like magic! ... An Idea popped into my head!!
    Now, after I finish this short cup of coffee I will be running about like a chicken with my head cut off.
    As I type this, I am surrounded by my idea ... I am really excited about this one!

    Big hugs, happy smiles, sunny skies, Your Pal, The Fish!

    Ladies, YES~! Ideas first. IF I can get the PAPERS off the table in the living room, by the very sunny window, the crafts will take their place, and I am determined to make this happen within two days.
    I invited my family to BBQ last week (3 sons with 3 girlfriends, 4 children, Mom, Aunt, Cousins and cousin's adult son). I just carried all the C-R-A-P into my room, where it has somehow increased in volume over the past week. But my community area is wonderful, and I just sleep in my room. :)
    As to hoarding, FORTUNATELY, that isn't one of my bigger problems. I DID just buy new dishes (I did NOT need), but can use the boxes to store the other dishes, or STUFF, so it was a good purchase. :D
    Life is short. We need to put our time towards the living, not the stuff. plan on meeting me in Victoria when I visit Fishlet. We three will have a good visit.

    Bob/PKB - I cannot begin to tell you how much paper work I have right in front of me on the coffee table - so many post it notes with comments and info on plus mail. I just know if I had a partner I would be dumped as all of this should be - have seen this in the hoarding programmes how it has upset relationships. My friend asked me are the postit notes colour coded = why that would be something.
    We three would have a good visit - like meets like - such a great idea - I wish such fun. You are right "just get busy living" as said in Shawshanks Redemption or The Bucket list.

    I've been trying to go through the mail as soon as it comes in and keep up with the little filing I need to do. Not renewing any subscriptions helps. My mom has so many magazines it would take her another 94 years to read them all.
    The little things, like the "I Love You, Mom" calendar I just posted a question from, is a good example.
    We can do this, Poppy3. An hour a day, and no mercy. AND keep up with the daily stuff. Deal?

    Bob/PKB - same thing Bob - I take articles out of the Radio Times that's the TV and Radio guide for the week and they are just all piled up thinking I will get round to reading them. Thankfully I do not buy the glossy mags or newspapers only the occasional commerative one maybe. Sure thing Bob lets do it do our best - I have left so much to charities but not signed the will yet. The clothes need sorting and these can go to charities. Let's try to get things in some kind of order. Although I am trying but sort of go round in circles. We can make it possible, - you are lucky you have family to help you. There are sights on the internet which help also "declutter".

    HA HA HA. Family to help me? HA HA HA. I am on my own. It is like pulling teeth out of a shark to get any help around here.
    I hear you in the circles. I am sorting through a small drawer of "stuff" and setting aside the "collectibles", throwing away papers (which include bookmarks sent with demands for donations), and still find the small drawer overflowing when I am done. But it's a start. We have to start somewhere. :)

    I am finding this conversation inspiring. Thanks Ladies... I needed to read 'the real thing' on this conundrum ... I made great progress today. :) I know, I am not alone ... phew!

    Fishlet you are not alone - this has beem on my mind for some time and it was said recently that the amount of people with clutter in the UK is in the 40% bracket.

    Bob - I said you are lucky you have people like family who would help you with this - I could fish a few frieds out but I feel so ashamed and people have so little time these days. When I worked I left everything perfect but my room always looked like I was about to move so now I look at the boxes and think yes, it looks like I'm about to move which I would like to for more reasons than this. There is definitely this feeling of shame that goes with this.

    Fishlet, you are such an inspiration to me, always.
    Poppy3, I am ashamed of my mess, too, but, you know what? It's NOT something insurmountable. If I take it a piece at a time, I CAN do it. If I look at ALL of it, I am overwhelmed, sit on the couch drinking frappes, and watch TV while playing solitaire on the computer and flipping in and out of akaQA.

    Bob/PKB - you are so right not insurmountable - to be honest there are moments when I look at it all - I think so what. Sure one step at a time. Fishlet also inspires me. She seems to like me which pleases me.

    Fishlet is one in a million. So are you. Now, it is way past late, and I need to go to sleep. I got two little drawers empty and the papers piled in the "to do" and "to file" piles. :D

    The two of you are very sweet ... My husband says, "How do you eat an elephant? ... One bite at a time.".
    Now, I would never eat an elephant and I completely understand what he is saying however, it does not help one spit when I get one of my, "Brilliant Ideas!". :D

    OKay, Fishlet, a little detail on the IDEA!?

    It involves 'shiny happy thoughts'! (I am still in the development stage, which is all consuming and putting me far far far behind on my 'to do' list. I am now thinking that I would much rather hire someone for my 'to do' list ... soooooooooo if this is to be the case my Brilliant Idea had better be 'the big light bulb' kind.). :D Life is such a hoot! :D :D :D

    Bob, Poppy, Fish...thanks for letting me eavesdrop. Invite someone over for lunch. That's when you'll get at least a small project completed...and in a hurry. Right now I must run and do some tidying! LOL!!!

    My sons kidded me pretty badly yesterday when I got another craft project, two, actually.
    My shiny idea is to complete all of them...and they number in the hundreds, then have a huge sale where people purchase them for many times their true value!

    Poppy3, Fishlet, Ducky: you are cordially invited to breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a term to not exceed two months. Lodging will be provided, along with storage boxes, Sharpies, tissue/newspaper, and trash bags. RSVP:Bob/PKB at akaQA.

    Bob, now THAT'S what I call being creative! lol

    Will I get to use a Glue Gun and if I get to use a Glue Gun can it be a pink one?

    Mine is blue, but if pink gets you here, then, of course!

    I loved him...always so happy. :)

    Tiny Bubbles!

    What a wonderful person and performer Dean was. I have an autographed 8 × 10 black and white glossy picture he signed for me when I was about ten. My family was having lunch at The Sands in Las Vegas and saw him in the restaurant. Favorite Memory #78.

    That is very cool Bobette! I trained my Kerry Blue Terrier to catch bubbles while I sang Tiny Bubbles in between blowing the bubbles. Yep, that was some dog and she could do some tricks! :D (I think memory #78 may be just a little bit cooler than Dog Trick #12090-7!)

    My son's dog likes to catch bubbles! He jumps about six feet up to bite them, then ends up with "the trots" from swallowing so much soap. Being a big dog (100 pounds or so), it is NOT very much fun when THAT happens. :D

    How curious ... My Kerry must have has a stomach made of stone! :D

    Dieszal does have a tender tummy. But maybe you just have better quality soap for the bubbles!

    Maybe. My lovely Kerry Blue Terrier passed away many moons ago. I really loved that dog. :)

    ditto, PKB

    Bib/PKB - love your postings especially the pulling of teeth, and craft do not even mention this, would you believe I bought all this craft stuff rubber stamps and all - to make cards etc. all never been out of the box, reminds me there is a Salvation Army just up the road - not that I am a lover especially, who do art classes thought I would give it all to them but am of course yet to do so, why would I - I thought this would change my life?! like all the other junk I keep - all will go to charity in the final analysis and there are no shops in heaven and if I go elsewhere I doubt their will be either, a blessing as far as I am concerned but then most bought from TV channels but still I feel no chance - same here Bob, no help - although I am difficult to help has to be from someone who genuinely wants to help. I am so good at helping others - it is what it is. I am trying Bob - at least decided not to buy more stuff and give all the presents I wish to give - but I guess I am in another league than you guys - I will try and get help - professional first yeap that bad along with other issues and like fishlet have the glue gun - pristine condition Oh dear I do not understand all this text speak - have to look for a dictionary which explains things like# Like all the comments from fishlet and ducky too - you guys are so lucky to be so near each other. I will do my best and think of you guys as my inspiration. I have had enough losses lately to realize this is just junk which is why it has reared it's ugly head even higher.
    To become the most popular green man the planet has ever far, So good. You are on your way! And, you are a lovely shade of green to boot.

    TU! :)

    Le' Sigh .... Only having 75 to give away makes me want to cry :(

    Sure takes away a lot of the fun. :(

    ... And, when you read the 'whaz up' on Karma Points and Vote Ups the 'same ol, same ol' remains posted in Black and White. Strange and true.... I Know!!!!
    Le' Falso Advertising-o .... Le' Poopy Woopy
    :( < This little face is crying.... whaaaaa.
    .... (Am I allowed to say Poopy?)

    You are allowed to say Poopy. :)

    I'm not allowed any more though!
    Weepsy weep!!!

    I think "poopy" is ok, Roy.


    No matter how wide??

    Impossible Dream (The Quest) by
    Why do you do these things?

    What things?

    These ridiculous... the things you do!

    I hope to add some measure of grace to the world.

    The world's a dung heap and we are maggots that crawl on it!

    My Lady knows better in her heart.

    What's in my heart will get me halfway to hell.
    And you, Señor Don Quixote-you're going to take
    such a beating!

    Whether I win or lose does not matter.

    What does?

    Only that I follow the quest.

    That for your Quest!
    (turns, marches away; stops, turns bock
    and asks, awkwardly)
    What does that mean... quest?

    It is the mission of each true knight...
    His duty... nay, his privilege!
    To dream the impossible dream,
    To fight the unbeatable foe,
    To bear with unbearable sorrow
    To run where the brave dare not go;
    To right the unrightable wrong.

    To love, pure and chaste, from afar,
    To try, when your arms are too weary,
    To reach the unreachable star!

    This is my Quest to follow that star,
    No matter how hopeless, no matter how far,
    To fight for the right
    Without question or pause,
    To be willing to march into hell
    For a heavenly cause!

    And I know, if I'll only be true
    To this glorious Quest,
    That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
    When I'm laid to my rest.

    And the world will be better for this,
    That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
    Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
    To reach the unreachable stars!


    That was beautiful,lindilu,

    I knew you could appreciate this and I wondered if it weren't what you sought....(blink blink)

    choke splutter,gulp,yesssssssss,

    The man of La Mancha, that's our Dennis!

    And green.

    lindilou - thank you just so good - I never did know what quest Don Quixote went on - just remember he went with his servant who had a donkey called Dapples. Don Quixote was on in London recently as an opera - my friend went to see it and I said did he have a donkey - she said no, he was very tall and had a horse - so I looked it up.
    lindilou''s ...(sniffle) so beautiful...I saw Mr. Quixote one time...back in the early 1970s...barely recall it...y'know? ...and I think he was green too...(blink) 8D

    I could hear you hanging on to that last note, all the way from Essex. lovely voice, you should be on the telly.

    I thank she should be on Britain got talent,and lindilu would win it hands down,


    Yeah that as well fishy,

    No matter what they tell me, no matter what they say, i know that lindilou has a wonderful voice today.

    This is your story.
    This is your song.
    Five bucks to bet,
    Sunny B is not wrong.

    Aaaaa-AAAAAHHHH!!! (pinging and crackling of champagne glass in background of centre stage....yes, coach !) LOL

    Cliff diving in some places is not a happy ending make.

    No matter how hopeless,No matter how hard? I know that song too.:)


    No matter how hopeless; no matter how far. (I have the sheet music)

    No matter anyhow.LOL

    Wasn't it Sammy Davis who recorded that song on a 45, or for an album , and made it a big selling record ? 

    Hec, I like that song. But, are you trying to make an important point, or are you just goofing off ?


    No i would not do that M,C,M,

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