    Correcting grammar and incorrect spelling from posts. Would anyone be offended...

    if this was done? I see things here posted by native speakers of English which make me cringe. Since most people here are anonymous, not using their real names, it would be better to correct it here, than to have someone else, let's say, a job interviewer, etc., correct the person. After all, people make conclusions based upon how well spoken someone is and how they write. Who wants to look foolish?

    +7  Views: 2021 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    IOU a TU. Can't remember who I gave them all to today.

    @digger...You told me a few days ago, that you owe me 40 TU's, remember?

    @Ducky. Yes,I do but now that I know that you look words up,I figure that I've over-TU'd you over the years for(what I thought was)your exceptional use of English grammar. Besides,I'm TU broke again tonight and have all of tomorrow's allocation spoken for.

    @digger...I hardly think it's fair of you, to allow someone to speak ahead! We should all be working on the same day here, well except for those who can't help working upside down. So it would only be ok if it's one who lives in Australia, don't you think?

    ...uh...yeah,yeah...I think.

    You're learning. Whenever you're not sure what I said, just agree with me. That's the way it should be.

    I have long been the "grammar police". I would make the following corrections to your text:
    "After all, people make conclusions based upon how well spoken someone is and how they write. Who want's to look foolish?" Corrected:
    After all, people make conclusions based upon how well spoken someone is and how (s)he writes. Who wants to look foolish? (wants never needs an apostrophe)
    Someone may need to correct me. Are you OK with the corrections, Clonge?


    Sorry; I don't know how the apostrophe got there. It was obviously a "typo" and not my intent, The gender correction is ok with me.

    Actually, it is a correction based on singular/plural, not gender.
    Am I annoying you yet? :)

    I made the apostrophe correction. Your "she/he" refers to gender; and finally, YES(lol)!

    @Bob and Clonge.... LOL!!!!

    My work here is done. :D

    PkB, I agree with your corrections. Most people don't know when a sentence stops, and when a new one starts.

    When DOES a sentence. Stop and a new. One start?

    When an old sentence has already been served a new one starts. Sometimes sentences are served concurrently. Like 30 life sentences for murder.

    Thanks Clonge that. Makes it a whole lot. Clearer.

    Can you imagine a concurrent written or spoken sentence. Do you wonder how it might read?
    Can Do you you imagine wonder a how concurrent it written might or read spoken sentence??

    10 Answers

    It was mentioned a long time ago, and some were quite insulted. There were remarks made, by some of the worst offenders of course, about people being judged because of their spelling and grammar and that wasn't right and we shouldn't be here to be critical of other members and on and on and on. I remember it well. And to answer your question, it wouldn't bother me at all. I actually still look words up, online and in a huge dictionary that I have in my home. What's wrong with self-improvement?


    Wot R U telkin boot?

    Don't you no?

    I no lots ill hav u no!

    Reely? Proove it!
    Correct away. I would like to point out that I use a lot of British spelling... Other than that, feel free. (I am keeping the dots. I only use them in my non-professional life. ). Have a stellar day by the way!

    I think the focus of this site is to help people by answering questions, banter back and forth with each other, and screw around with the karma points.  
    If you want to police people, you won't get an objection from me, but I'm not going to do any correcting. I am offensive enough without adding that to my credentials.  


    I don't want to police people. I feel it's for their own good, and because most people here have identities known only to themselves. I have corrected on many occasions, those posts from people who appear to be non-native English speakers. English can be very difficult to learn for them, and I appreciate that. I wouldn't mind at all if I was on a French post and someone corrected my grammar and/or spelling.

    There should be a comma after the word "corrected" in the first sentence of your comment. "I have corrected, on many occasions, "

    Comma is optional. Just say the sentence to yourself or out loud. If it doesn't sound right without a pause, then a comma should be there. For your information, I always received an "A" in English, except for one term. The teacher asked me, "What comes at the end of a sentence?" My answer was "An appeal."

    LOL I taught English. Your phrase can be omitted from the sentence without altering its meaning. A prepositional phrase in the middle of a sentence is set apart with commas. Also, the phrase following your single comma does not express a complete thought, and that indicates improper placement of the comma. I know this stuff pretty well; it's what I do.

    On this site spelling is not all that important.After all we do have a bit of fun with it now & again.I think the main thing is getting your message across.I know I make mistakes & plenty of them.Who cares? The Sun still rises in the East.(If you catch my drift.)


    We seem to be the minority voice, Tommyh. I feel I'm in good company on this.

    I don't know about you Bob,but frankly,I have bigger things to worry about.:)

    Intent is more important than spelling…But the importance of spelling involves who you are writing to. Otherwise you may as well be writing in some form of code to get a little hush-talk in. But then   the interest in what you are saying among cryptology majors would rise dramatically and that will eventually land your special secrets where everyone actually knows your secrets but you don’t realize the fact that everyone knows…so if you are dabbling in secrets then your secret code will eventually be understood to mean an intention that you never really intended and you will be tried in court and convicted of some evil crime you may never have intended in fact . That is why intention is so important along with clear meaning in your words.   


    I think intent is secondary, unless the person is truly uneducated. If I am applying for a job as a college graduate, and my resume is rife with errors, even though my true intent is to get that job, I will probably will not get it if all of the other applicants are otherwise essentially equal.

    Robert, I think you mean content.

    My bad, no.

    If I have to interpret what someone has scrawled out in a collection of letters that seems to be a human word…or your cat walked across the keyboard….oh well; and go on like we all know to ignore that smoking pile…well, I’ll interpret that (smoking pile) and see what could be implied in some sadistic (sardonic, twisted, hilarious or simplistic) way …to tame the shrew who chose not to learn to spell as a way to say what you mean and mean what you say … to be understood.

    I concur.


    Duh, what does that meen?

    I Fink he kinder meens dat hess inn falvour,

    Are you shure?


    I think it just proves your upper lower,Clonge,


    I don't understand. I'm in the U.S. and never heard this expression.

    aen't nuthing wronge with my gramma..!! YES Go for it ..if it helps those who need to be corrected !


    Leave my gramma out of this,

    your grammer wears army boots...word out..

    she does not so,humpf,

    humpf ?:)

    thats an old Exprssion of disgust i think?????

    I ain't    never made but one mistake in grammar, and I seen it the minute I done it    ;-)

    'Who want's to look foolish?' A slight problem with a greengrocer's apostrophe Clonge. I agree with you, however, the standard of spelling and grammar is appalling on this site and many others.

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