    were do i fine my PKU at

    my phone is lock and it keep asking for my PKU and I do not know were to fine it.

    0  Views: 590 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer


    Find your PUK code to unblock your SIM card
    After 3 failed attempts to enter your PIN code, your SIM card will be blocked and you will need to enter your PUK code (Personal Unblocking Key). Your card will be unblocked as soon as you enter the PUK code. Your mobile phone will then ask you to enter a new PIN code and to confirm it.
    There are 3 ways you can find your PUK code:
    Find the welcome letter that you had received along with your SIM card.
    Or log in to view your SIM card details. Once you have logged in, you will arrive on a page indicating your SIM card number and PUK code.

    Or call our customer service. Make sure you have your customer number (shown in the top right corner of your invoice, see Where to find your customer number) at hand and follow the instructions. Your PUK code will be communicated to you.
    Note that after 10 successive wrong PUK codes, the SIM card locks definitively.

    country bumpkin

    You are so sweet! I love it!

    You are pretty darned sweet yourself!

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