    OK, help me here. I just got a full set of dentures and cannnot eat anything!

    Tried a McDonald's soft burger and couldn't tell where it was in my mouth to chew it. I ate boiled potatoes and finished it off with Instant Breakfast.  I can't chew nuts and I'm going nuts. How?what? do I eat.....

    +9  Views: 1198 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago

    Nice to see that smile! :)

    13 Answers

    Oh my Lord child I empathize completely...and all I can think is...smoothies...fruit smoothies and cream WILL get used to the dental work and be brave...not a wussy like I was...crying...whining how I can't taste a dang thing...titanium mouth..that's me...In about a week to ten days it'll be way better so buck up my girl to hell with it..have a couple cold beers and just relax...give it time...peace and love honey...LL  xox


    Dentures are artificial replacements for missing teeth and gum tissue. Complete dentures are for patients who have lost all of their teeth, while partial dentures are for patients who have a combination of natural and missing teeth. Maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential to optimum health as a denture wearer. Two basic food categories are hard and soft foods. 

    Consult with your dentist for other dietary modifications.

    Soft Foods

    Chewing with your dentures will require practice. Your mouth will need a minimum of six to eight weeks or longer to adjust to the dentures. Consuming a soft diet is strongly encouraged during the adjustment period. Provisions such as cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, crackers, soups and yogurt are examples of foods that do not require a significant amount of chewing. Cut meats, poultry, fish and other foods that require additional chewing force into small pieces before eating them.

    Hard Foods

    Hard foods such as nuts, popcorn kernels, raw fruits, candy and corn on the cob should be avoided while eating with dentures. Hard substances can cause the dentures to break -- a stressful event once you have became accustomed to wearing the dentures.

    Substances to Avoid

    Avoid sticky substances such as gum, taffy, tootsie rolls and caramel candy when wearing dentures. These substances can stick to the dentures making it difficult to chew and clean the dentures properly. The longevity of your dentures can be increased by adhering to a proper diet.


    Read more:


    Oh, thanks a lot!

    The trick is to force yourself to get used to them,  I remember my wife saying that when she first got them.  Soft foods and patience, and pain meds as needed.  Good luck..


    I'm hurting less. It's amazing how good onion soup can be....

    Smoothies and soups ... that smile looks great on you!!!


    I'm growing tired of soup, I want to chew! Who'd of thunk it would ever become a chore....

    Never been through it but maybe.....yogurt, ice cream, soups, pastas, soft breads, bananas, applesauce, flaked cereals in milk? (And what about your beans?)     :)


    And haggis.

    Funny, I never thought of that...good idea. :(((

    I COULD eat green beans but that's insult to injury......

    I had to bug you Julie, even when you're down. :)

    But the sad truth is, that may be all I can eat right now. Wait! I have ice cream......

    It felt wonderful!

    Feeling full now?

    Lets just say I'm not empty. The thought of food hurts, can't wait until morning when I know I'll feel different. Can't wait for 2 weeks from now.......

    Seriously, it must be painful. :(

    Not bad but CONSTANT.....

    Jeez Romos,we want to help her,not poison her!

    So Tommy...does that mean that you don't like haggis? lol

    You nailed it Ducky,EEEEWWWWW!

    Tom, Haggis is great with Tomato Sauce, have you ever tried Haggis? :-)

    Bullet..I'm half Scottish.What d'ya reckon.

    aaaah jhharlan,you do bring back memories, i had top and bottom removed one day, teeth put in next day,painful but better fit,,and it simpley takes time to get used to them,,your bottom teeth will always be the bane of their existance,,and your bottom ones will always get things like tomatoe seeds under them, but you will learn the art of getting things like that from under your teeth without anybody at the table knowing....hopefully i havent put you off,,,on the upside,you can eat cold and hot things without burning or freezing your mouth,with those long winded words i say,,catch ya later mate..........


    Just waiting for all of this to become a memory.....

    If your friends are around,you could get them to chew the hard things a bit for you,


    I'm pretty certain that Jules is NOT an Eskimo hec !! Hee hee! 8D

    I had (#14) my upper left tooth with 3 root stems removed on 3/5/13…a 2 hour or(al)deal that has left me bruised, stitched and bleeding. The Novocain has worn off and I feel ~~~ok, I think. The bruising and swelling is slowly subsiding. But as you know, when in pain there is no sense of time….just waiting for the experience to end. I would rather be sleeping. How nice to share this moment together…were we in the same house hold I am sure we could originate many hysterical remarks from our comparative hells. <3<3<3             


    I'm hurting less. It's been 3 days and I'm about to eat some nice, soft ravioli. Ah! Food!

    3/10/13 Sunday…I think my pain is going to go away. Still bruised like a hay-maker in brass knuckles…not looking for a rematch

    the bruising is the worst part. that and eating anything spicy...

    3/11 My bruises are still moving about, my lips are turning black as ink but no sensation of pain. The zombie look doesn’t phase my dentist…he has seen it all before.

    dentist are not my favorite people right now....

    Me too, of course I could have fallen onto a pick-axe for a similar result excepting my pathology report that came back normal, for which I am grateful.

    I still have (most of) my own natural teeth but both of my parents had dentures before they wer 50.I believe they take a bit of getting used to but hang in there.You have a lovely smile now at least.


    I'm smiling on the outside, believe me.....

    I have no advice, unfortunately. I hope things return to normal very soon. Unlike sharks, we can't re-grow teeth.



    I hope you are used to your dentures by now. It will take more time to get totally comfortable chewing and eat the things you used to. Your smile is just beautiful.


    Why, thank you, Ann. Yes, they are feeling much better. Yesterday I at half a sandwich! You are so sweet.

    How are you feeling?


    Better, they've added padding, thank you for asking...

    Glad you are getting more used to them Julie, time and patience  and they will gradually get more comfortable. Yes I agree with everyone, you have a lovely smile.x



    Oh Julie,Julie,Julie,

    They are getting better except for my gag reflex. This is new, that does it! I may give them up (not).....

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