    How was your day today?

    +4  Views: 1085 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    My day was okay

    8 Answers

    Same old same old, but it is great to be alive and life is what you make it.

    My day was ok! I had back of the house at the casino!  This means keeping the employee restrooms clean , stocking break rooms, picking up trash all over! We are low on French Vanilla creamer in HR break room! I got a 10.00 dollar tip from a guest for watching his slot machine while he went to a restroom! How was your day?

    Got up on the right side of the dirt, so it is always a good day, isn't it? 


    Every day on this side of the grass is a bonus these days.LOL

    Productive.  My favorite kind of day.


    Good,is that your house ,its realy nice,and a big T/U,for being kind to Guppys,

    BUSY!  Mondays can be chaos in our house. We have a carer that comes to sit with our daughter who is severely disabled for 4 hours.So we have 4 hours to fit in all of the shopping & errands that most people have all week to do.But no complaints.We usually manage.


    God bless you all Tommy, and slap me when I ever complain, and I do... Regards, Bus

    I take my hat off to you and all those that manage disabled loved ones at home, a big call

    It's only 10.30 am here, so far it's been ok, but who knows what might happen next.

    Like Lamb, i missed this posting also, it is now Friday Evening, today was Hot, bloody hot and humid, not looking forward to Tuesday, as it has been forcasted to be 38 degrees celsius, for the last two weeks it hasn't been lower than 35, it is now10.50pm and it is still 30 degrees, thank god for Air-conditioning.


    I wish!

    you've certainly had it hot there, we've had almost no summer and I live near the QLD border, done nothing but rain for weeks

    I would give anything for a hot sunny day right now.It seems as tho it's been raining forever here.The humidity is lethal.We have another cyclone looming off the East coast so more rain predicted.
    keep kool Kent.:)

    Friday now, I was a bit late noticing the question, another long slow day at the hospital waiting, but the news was OK, got stuck on the freeway so a 3 hour drive turned into 5, the one I'm married to informed me he has asked a couple of gourmet foodies for a meal! makes my spag bol look a little inadequate, I think I've had better ones! but all tucked up in bed now :)


    I am pleased the results were OK, lamb.

    Sounds like you need a rest.

    oddly enough I'm wide awake, I think the thought of cooking that meal has me terrified, but I am pleased with the test results,early days but so far so good

    Nuthin' wrong with a good feed of spag bol.One of my favourites.:)

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