    When would you think it's time to call it quits

    just saw the news, a woman in China born in 1898, approaching 115 years of age (not looking and understandably so, terribly alert) would you wish to leave this earth whilst there was still "quality", don't misunderstand me, I am not implying she personally has none, just not sure I would want to live that long

    +6  Views: 714 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    My husband's Father (90) is in the final stage of Alzheimer's disease.  He will pass away when it is time for him to pass away.  It certainly isn't my place to judge or anyone else's place for that matter.  He is surrounded by love and wonderful care.  When he does speak he talks about his childhood and his brothers.  He eats and drinks his favorite things (even if they are pureed) and he gets a small rum and coke each day during happy hour.  He is warm and comfortable. His great friends still come and visit him.  He wants for nothing.    

    I have thought long and hard about this subject because of my Father-in-law.  I imagine 'Quality of Life' takes on different meanings as you travel along this mortal coil. 

    I plan on staying active and healthy as long as possible.  I will make as many things as I can make, I will plan projects, I will adore my family, I will love and laugh, find and loose friends, I will travel and stay home and I will have pets and gardens and rooms to decorate.  My life will be what it will be and so will my death ... exactly the way it's supposed to happen ... whatever way that will be. 

    If I do happen to make it to 115, please don't throw a party... anything after 99 is jinxed in my family!  



    We want more Fishy,

    By then I will be slobbering on the keyboard and struggling to see the screen to see if you gave me a TU !

    All about quality and choice fishy, your father in law appears to have both,if we were all so blessed there would be no question, and I'm sure you will put that jinx to rest!

    Hopefully I'll get my Century Birthday card from the Queen/King, but I somehow doubt it, cheated my way out three times now, can't see it working again.


    Nah, me thinks you underestimate yourself!

    The older I get the less I care about fighting, but I will if I need to.

    I know where your coming from

    Its a choice in this life thats difficult,to take,more so if you are 115 years old,


    If she's up and active, I could see the choice being difficult but if her picture is the one being circulated on Facebook, then in my opinion, I would leave or at least ask for help to leave.

    hector, unfortunately in most countries, the choice to leave is not ours, that is unless you are able to obtain a certain lethal (and illegal) drug

    That is one thing that Obamacare offers. Euthanasia based on quality of life. It's how he plans on getting rid of the elderly drawing from SS.

    Colleen, I am not familiar with Obamacare, but wouldn't euthanasia be the choice of an aware individual, we are not given the choice in Oz, I have an "end of life directive" best I can do here is not to be resuscitated, or travel overseas to end my days in a foreign country without my family ):

    With Obamacare, it allows doctors to bypass right to life if they feel quality of life is nil.

    Colleen, would it still be the choice of the individual, if not it would seem to me at least to almost qualify for manslaughter, I would like the choice, but I wouldn't wish a government body to choose on my behalf, not even human, let alone compassionate, but as you mention would save on SS !!! what have things come to if we can't look after the ageing that have (usually) given to society, fought in wars for us, etc

    It would be their choice to try and get help but it's the doctor's decision to continue life saving treatment. If the docs say no, then that's it.

    that sounds inhumane bordering on criminal, to my way of thinking at any rate,I believe in euthanasia, but also the right to life, I know it may sound contradictory but I'm sure you get my drift

    I understand.

    Obama won't allow us the right to live that long.   -- 'Soylant Green' 


    Vinny,please read my comment to Colleen below, don't understand your laws on euthanasia, just wish it were legal here, I support Exit International (for personal reasons) and have done for some time

    Peronally I'm checking out at 120


    It's all about the presents, right?

    Well before the age of 115 and very shortly after I became bed bound and near comatose. Once the quality of life is gone, so am I. That woman should quit fearing death and just move on. 


    I totally agree, I would hate to "exist" beyond an age that I could care for, or even be aware of myself

    If the picture on Facebook is a picture of her, then I feel bad for her that she's still alive. She looks so depressed and uncomfortable. Such sadness in her eyes. She wants to go home. You can see it in her face.

    yes, she looks very sad, the life has gone but I think her body is hanging on

    thats right, and 120 gives me another 56 yrs.


    I'll be happy to make the age you are now, assuming I still have quality

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