First they have to know there's the first page that their question posts to, then there's the second page that it gets sent to once it's answered. I know there's tabs saying unanswered and answered but I don't think most notice those. Add to that the fact that only 10 topics show at a time and there's so many topics to scan through, I think people just don't know how to find their question again to see the answer. I wonder of there's a way it can be posted that if a user clicks on their name they can see their question on their profile page. I like helping but I fear 85% of my answers go unseen by the questioner.

6 Answers
Hi Colleen;
That could be part of the problem aka had with Google directing and ranking policies. We will never know.
I did look the subject up, obviously criteria for a sight was missed or something else was terribly wrong. ... Or the "linked to" sites were unacceptable.
It is an interesting subject.
Incidentally, there are 14 answers missing from this question.
Another glitch, maybe?
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

As for the missing answers, it was not a glitch but I know what happened. They just never got reinstated after I deleted my account back during the first year. The developers retrieved what they could. Not all questions and answers came back however. It doesn't really matter because this question is 3 years old and is not relevant anymore.
De Ja Vu????
Where'd my first answer go?
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

Very strange.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |